I ran across "Tracks", the widestripe male in early 2010, on Sean's website, where he was available. At the time I did not know much about genetics, and still do not, so please treat any information regarding genetics I attempt to share with a grain of speculation. Tracks has only a slight hint of yellow on his nose and on his neck next to his jaw. Aside that, he is lacking yellow anywhere else.
After going back and looking at him several times over a period of 6 weeks, and seeing nobody had offered him a home, arrangements were made, and he moved in with me.
Joe Novak had let me take on care of a female "Blue" dilute motley around the same time. "Bluebelle" is Anery A, and has very deep well defined yellow running down her side, between 1/3 and 1/2 of the length of her body. She has shown only a slight hint of pink in her coloration in early March, when coming out of brumation. I mention this because most of the anery a dilute cornsnakes I have seen express much more pink or mauve coloring.