hope is not a strategy
This little one hatched from my Mystery Line pairing, but I'm not sure what it is. It's much lighter and pinker than the other Lavenders from this clutch. Unsexed as of now. Is it just a male Lav? Hypo Lav? Peach Phase Lav? Something else? Any and all educated guesses are welcome!
Lavender het Amel Anery Caramel Charcoal Motley ph Bloodred Hypo X Hypo Caramel Lavender het Amel
After first shed
After first meal
Lav clutch mate
Lavender het Amel Anery Caramel Charcoal Motley ph Bloodred Hypo X Hypo Caramel Lavender het Amel
After first shed

After first meal

Lav clutch mate