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2 Corns 1 Cage


New member
So I have previously owned a corn but it was only 1 at the time and now that I have just set myself back up with 2 corns I didn't realize that it is bad to house them together (as i read the article posted in another section) I now need to turn my 50 gallon tank into 2 sections, i was considering plexi glass and hot gluing down the middle of the tank? leaving 25 gallons on each side. Would this be appropriate living space? or should I just get 2 separate 50 gallon tanks?
Not to mention there wont be half warm, half cool areas in the tank, my lights keep the tank about 75 degrees on one side. Any suggestions?
From what I've heard corns are experts on getting around barriers.

If you're low on finances, could just move them into a temporary plastic containers since they're small.

I would recommend two 20 gallons when PetCo has their dollar-gallon sale. If you have a PetCo in your area.

However, trying to separate a large tank sounds like a fun project, and I'm sure you can do it successfully.
I've used wall panel moulding .... http://www.lowes.com/pd_494917-293-M.OC001510_0__?productId=4768285&Ntt=panel+moulding

to allow me to create channels that I can stick 1/8 inch thick plexiglass into to create divisions. I run 3 pieces of it, front, bottom, and back silicone into place. Use 100% rubberized silicone (same as aquarium silicone), a L- or T-square for straight level lines, and a sharpie. On the outside of the tank, I measure out where I want the division and then with the L or T square I mark off the tank with the sharpie. I then line up the panel moulding and silicone into place. Allow 24-48 hours for it the cure, and about a week to off-gas the acetic acid (vinegar smell). Cut your plexi about 1/16-1/8 inch shorter than the inner dimensions and it should be easy to remove from the moulding for any type of cleaning.

Heating is simple, place the heat pad on the bottom, back, smack in the middle using the new division as your centering point. An appropriately sized heat pad (and proper thermostat to control it) for a 50/55 gallon tank should do fine for a divided tank.

As much as a lighting activist as I am, many colubrids are crepuscular during the warm months of the year and move to nocturnal during the hot months; some are even diurnal during the cooler warm months. HOWEVER, there is no need for a basking light with corns. Where I do advocate lighting, is just a simple fluorescent light as I feel this aids establishing/maintaining in any captive animal's (save maybe cave salamanders and Mariana Trench organisms) natural circadian rhythm. I may not have lights on all my cages in my herp room, but I've got enough light on enough timers to easily establish a day and night cycle.
I did this as well using a screen. I had a roll of screen material lying around and I just purchased a single piece of framing material (it was big enough to make a few of these) for a couple dollars. I too used aquarium grade silicone around the edges and let it air out for a few days before putting my snakes in there. With a weight or two on the top of the cage, adult snakes are not able to get from one side to another (though I'm sure hatchlings would!). Here is a pic:


Also, in case you are interested in expanding the project, the background is insulating foam that has been coated in silicone and reptilite.
My friend and I are working on a super project at the moment, building a 2 part cage from scratch. Are there any materials I should stay away from, such as wood types?

@HerpsOfNM - So I should just use heat pads for warmth and have a light that helps depict night or day? I've never liked the pads because I know how easy it is for them to become burned. I did suggest to my friend, gluing down AstroTurf over the heat pad so there is a layer between the snake and the glass, and then laying down substrate?
I did this as well using a screen. I had a roll of screen material lying around and I just purchased a single piece of framing material (it was big enough to make a few of these) for a couple dollars. I too used aquarium grade silicone around the edges and let it air out for a few days before putting my snakes in there. With a weight or two on the top of the cage, adult snakes are not able to get from one side to another (though I'm sure hatchlings would!). Here is a pic:


Also, in case you are interested in expanding the project, the background is insulating foam that has been coated in silicone and reptilite.

That looks awesome! I love the hides, how did you do those? Looks like molded dirt
Thanks! I used what they call 'egg crate' to give it a basic shape, and then you just spray in the 'gap filling' insulation they sell at home depot all over it... let it expand and set. Once it is hard, you slosh silicone all over (brown or tan, to match the reptilite) and then rub reptilite... or sand... or coconut fiber, or whatever you'd like onto it. Once it dries, it has that look. The coconut fiber looks more like dirt... I used that for my newts, but this stuff works great for corns. There are a lot of good articles out there, I believe most of my info came from www.caudata.org (I was into newts at the time).
I'll look into it, once i get a draft of what i'm making, ill post a picture of the building plans. then the finished project :) this forum is so amazing, you guys are such a great help!