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Hypo Miami X Upper Keys Project


Down with the sickness
Insiders Club
Quite a few pairings in my Breeding List refer to this project. I just thought it would be appropriate to have a little explaination.
In 2002 I bred a male Hypo Miami purchased from Don Soderberg to a female Upper Keys X Hypo cross purchased from Rich Z.
Many of the resulting offspring were very unusual as well as beautiful, much more so than thier parents even. As I expected, I got Hypos and Normals. I kept back 2.3 from that clutch for future breeding. 1.1 Hypos and 1.2 "Normals"
Last year I bred the pair of Hypos, and had quite a list formed for thier "Hypo" offspring only to be very suprised by Amels and "mystery" Anerys. Such as the little guy in this thread....


I'm doing some testing this year to try and figure out what it is and who else in the project is carrying it.

Meet the original parents (and now grandparents),
Kamakazi, Hypo Miami

Garnet, Upper Keys X Miami


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V-Head one of the Hypo F1's. She produced Hypos, Amels, and some sort of Anery when crossed with her brother "Mama's Boy". Here are some Baby, Yearling and Adult photos of her (breeding with Mama's Boy last year).


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Mama's Boy

Here are some pics of the F1 male Hypo Mama's Boy.


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MTwin (Male Twin) I think he is a "Normal" (Non-Hypo). Full F1 sibling to V-Head and Mama's Boy. I bred him with V-Head this year to see if he is het amel or ?Anery?
Cute guy eh?

Pics of the others will come tomorrow.


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I'll be the first to admit this. I have never been a fan of miami's, they just don't do anything for me.

Over the last few months, I have heard through the grapevine, Carol has the killer miami's. All I can say is...WOW!

I have seen a few pictures, in addition to these and her silvery miamis are truely spectacular! Might have to grab me up a pair this year?!

Beautiful animals, Carol!
Hypo Miami's are rapidly becoming my favorite morph!
Carol, would a hypo miami be a good mate for a crimson?
My crimson is developing a creamish color and I'd like to clean it up in the next generation. Thanks.
Obviously, I'm not Carol but I just happened to catch this.

Mike, a Crimson IS a Hypo Miami. That being the case. I'd have to say yes, yes a Hypo Miami would be a steller mate for a Crimson! :D

Quigs said:
Obviously, I'm not Carol but I just happened to catch this.

Mike, a Crimson IS a Hypo Miami. That being the case. I'd have to say yes, yes a Hypo Miami would be a steller mate for a Crimson! :D

Yeah quigs, I knew they were. Just wondering if a whiter crimson or a hypo miami would be the better choice. Now that I think about it, I guess the one with the brighter bacground color would be the one. Thanks Man.
I have to go along with Quigs here. Miami's were not one of my favorites, but Carol, you really do have some real beauties!
Thanks everyone!
In my own world, I do consider Hypo Miamis and Crimsons to be different. Sure, they both originated with crossing Miamis with Hypos, but they look completely different. But that is coming from a Miami freak so I am VERY particular about them. Rich Z is the creater of the "Crimson" corn and Don S. started his own project with the same idea and named his "Hypo Miami". With all the natural variation, and two complete different people deciding what traits were desireable what what wasn't, two different looking lines emerged. Here a Hypo Miami must have a grey background with very minimal tan coloratoin in it, if they start being more tan than grey, they arn't Hypo Miamis IMO. If I get some hypos from my Miami lines that have nice rich red saddles and a clean tan background, then I will sell them as Crimsons. Anything else that doesn't meet either requirement gets sold as a "Hypo". Keep in mind though, that is just my system and for most folks Hypo Miami and Crimson is used interchangably.
Meet FTwin!

Here is another holdback F1 "Normal" female from this line. I bred her to Mama's Boy this year to see if she is carrying Amel or ?Anery?. Eggs are in the cooker already!


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This is Crazy. She eats like crazy. The third F1 female. She didn't get as nice a color scheme as the others, but has killer pattern. This line tends to keep a nice metallic look to them, but Crazy is the most metallic looking. Unfortunatley she has refused to breed to any male the last two years in a row. This winter she is being brumated and I hope that will help. It seems suprising because both her sisters are, lets say, very loose. The hook up immediatly. She did comfirm she is sexed correctly when she layed a large clutch of slugs this year. :cry:


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The F3's

Just some quick pics of F3 babies from V-Head and Mama's Boy. This line seems to hatch with a light brownish color to them and look just plain boring the first couple of months, then when the red comes in, they really bloom.


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Nice forum! I'm going to have to invest in a new PC when the tax man forks over my money. I sure miss posting pics and keeping up with everyones projects.

The little girl I have from this project is just AWESOME! I just don't have anything to match her up with when the time comes. I guess I need to get on the list for a male to match up with her.

Oh, that 2 yr old Hypo Lav male I got from you has just been having a hay-day with the females I line him up with. He just improved my odds of getting hypo Lavs from double het females by a WHOLE BUNCH!
You're lucky, I owe thousands in taxes this year. :sobstory:

Don't worry I should have a male to match her this year. This line really colors up eh? They aren't very impressive when they first hatch, but give them a year and they sure change.

I guess your little Hypo Lav doesn't just look like his dad, ;) dad's a happy humper too. I had him servicing four females at the age of two and had a good fertility rate! Its good to see you visiting us! I hope you get your computer problems fixed soon.