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Why NOT to house snakes together (disturbing pics)


Missin her snakes
This is not my doing (got this stuff off of the albino burmese forum)

There is a story with it too:

"who's that there in my boa's belly? "

"different angle...hmmm, must be something big...weird :shrugs: "

"Last meal I fed him wasn't THAT big...wait, wasn't I housing him w/ my ball...where'd she go? :shrugs: "

"you eat your roommate and you better hold down the nutrition boa, because you just wasted a bunch of my money...darnit you regurgitated ...jezz, I'm suprised, it's not like the ball's AS BIG AS YOU ARE psycho ...hard to believe "

"yes, that's a post regurg. pic!!! Ewww...can't believe it, ball just too big? well check out it's partially digested head!!!!! "

*gags* Well..I guess it just goes to show ya...

I wonder how the boa killed the ball..wouldnt they constrict eachother?
Wow. Now thats graphic... I have seen only one person keep balls and boas together, and they said they had no problems... Something I would NEVER even risk. I try for the life of me to understand why some people would, but I can't even come up with a poor excuse, let alone a good one.

That is the kind of person that should never own a pet... maybe a goldfish.
Survival of the Fittest

This post should be a "sticky"
Shame :eek1:
Oh yeah, I forgot, no one reads those sticky posts :bang:
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These pics have been posted on reptile forums all over for quite some time, including here I believe.

Not only did this clown lose his ball python but I believe the boa ended up dying as well.

The lesson to be learned here is not a difficult one. Yet, we hear about this crap all the time. I guess some people truely don't get it!

I bought a co-housed pair of male s (a corna and an obsoleta) who I found out had been housed with a baby red tail boa due to lack of space...that's pretty silly in my book, but luckily nothing went wrong in that case.
wow~! I just cant believe some people can keep snakes of different species together and expect it to be peaceful..lol
People wonder why the general concensous on this board is to house one snake by its self.. ..Regards..
in the last photo, doesn't that Boa look a bit emaciated??? :eek1:
:shrugs: It's no wonder he ate the Ball, looks to be quite starved to me...