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I think I am going to die..


Save The Humans
This afternoon I was preparing to feed some of my snakes. I have about 30 babies that I am holding over for future breeding projects that are eating 6-gram fuzzies. I took 30 fuzzies out of the freezer and put them in a glass of very hot water to thaw. I put the glass on the counter in the mouse room next to my glass of tequila and tonic water.

As I was getting the weanling size mice out of the freezer, I reached over and took a large drink….and found a fuzzie in my mouth. I gagged, spit and choked. Took a large drink of tequila to sterilize my mouth. Spit some more. Drank more tequila.

Went in the house and gargled with mouth wash. Drank more tequila. I’m starting to feel dizzy and lightheaded. I think I’m dying.
I don't drink Ginger. J9, took your advice and took more tequila. Still feeling dizzy. Nasty taste in my mouth is gone though.
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That's too funny! Take comfort in the fact that there is probably less bacteria on a dead mouse than raw chicken...Probably failry clean! I prescribe more tequila!
Ok, now sit down, and have more tequila, then rest until room stops spinning. Continue dosing until the mouse ingestion is forgotten:)
I'll stick with the tequila, Southern Comfort makes me feel Funny. She doesn't always like that.
Oh, mine does when I pass out:sidestep:(but I dose with absinthe or Southern Comfort)

LOL, good point... although I hear you only get sick on tequila once. It's never made me sick.. I always take my shots with plenty of water (minus the fuzzies:rofl::rofl::rofl: ) inbetween

Sorry Wade :D :D
You just know everyone looking at this topic right now wants to give you sympathy but can only think of giggling.
Although I know how freaked out I would be if it happened to me.
Tequila is responsible for the one time I have ever been so drunk I can't remember any of it. For all I know I could have ate a whole bag of fuzzies that night.
Tequila is responsible for the one time I have ever been so drunk I can't remember any of it. For all I know I could have ate a whole bag of fuzzies that night.

I know where you are coming from, but tequila is still my poison of choice.

I'm really worried about this however, my heart is pounding, I feel flush. I'm running out of tequila and it's Sunday in Utah.