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stunning pied sided


German efficiency
As I said in the Kastanie thread, I visited Frank Schaub yesterday and took some snapshots. For all of you who have trouble with their heart...you better take a chair and sit down!

The eggs were absolutly normal incubated, no overheating or something else. In the clutch were killerbloods and this little guy! He comes from a pairing of a pied sided female bred to her aneryblood brother.

here's the mother

Got images of the Sire? Is that the same clutch with the messed up head scales? ...or am I confusing that clutch with another clutch I've seen posted on some of the European forums? There was a link to those posts on here somewhere in the past, I think. if not here, on one of the "other" forums maybe. Shrug?
Got images of the Sire? Is that the same clutch with the messed up head scales? ...or am I confusing that clutch with another clutch I've seen posted on some of the European forums? There was a link to those posts on here somewhere in the past, I think. if not here, on one of the "other" forums maybe. Shrug?

here's a picture of the sire. he's a brother of the pied sided female but has no white spots. the stunning pied sided above is the only one without these messed up head scales. you're right, this animal is from the same clutch. Frank paired the aneryblood male to pied sided female and in the first clutch were no pieds - just extremly nice bloods. the second clutch of them in autum was the clutch from which you are speaking!

here's a link to our german forum with a few pictures of this second clutch.

and here's the aneryblood male
Now that kind of pied-sided would actually make me open my wallet or click on my paypal account!!! ;)
Do you know where the parents of this guy came from? Is this one definitely compatable with SMR lines?

Do you know where the parents of this guy came from?

did you read the whole thread? he got the parents from a friend who bred them by himself. the grandparents are from a table from a small show without any information. no information about the breeder or anything else, the grandparents were just a normal regular looking pair of bloodreds.

Is this one definitely compatable with SMR lines?

nobody knowes! Frank has just the pieds which are showen in this thread.

btw SMR pied x SMR pied aren't definatley compatible, Daniel Bohle bred pied x pied and got just bloodreds neither with any extreme diffusion nor with white spots. He's a friend of Don and got his pair directly from him! The whole "pied thing" is still a mystery, sometimes more, sometimes less.
HOLY COW!! :eek:

And what's worse, I missed this thread when it first started so the update hit me with no warning!