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#1 - Blue Motley (M) X Anery Stripe (F)


Too many yet too few!!!
Hi all,

my first pairing this season, These two have been put together every 3/4 days for a couple days at a time for the last 4 weeks and finally last week i had what i believe to be their first breeding, then i have had another suspected breeding last yesterday. This will be the first year of breeding for both of these two and neither have been brumated.

I expect to get Anery Motley-Stripes Het Dilute out of these two.

Some pictures:

The first two are The female anery stripe:

Img_1230 mod 3.jpg

P6150006 mod.jpg

These are of the male Blue Motley:

P9210524 mod.jpg

P9200596 mod.jpg

Thanks for looking.

Possibly 3 other breedings this year as well!

I will post threads on those if i get any eggs from them.
LOL, Doesn't sound like i have much choice does it??? ;)

Should get some v. special offspring from the other 3 pairings!
Hey Torsten, you must have been looking at my breeding notes or read my mind ... I was just goin over my breeders and Im planning on breeding my anery dilute motley male to my ghost stripe female .... Then I get online and find out your gonna do the same ... I just got the female ghost last year and dont know if she has any hidden traits ... If shes just a ghost then I should get anery motley het hypo, stripe, dilute ... By the way your Dilute male looks awsome ....

Heres my male anery dilute motley ....

Heres the female ghost stripe ....

Heres my female dilute that the male is also gonna breed ...
Your dilutes sure do have a hell of a lot of orange on them!!!

I love your female Blue Motley, i think she looks the nicest.