What blonde chick?!
So, someone we know bought a cornsnake off craigslist. I had seen the add and the picture was of a 09 hatchling cornsnake that the owners wanted to get rid of because it was a "striker" and they named it Striker. I passed it over because I didn't want to pay $25 for a normal that I didn't know it's history. Anyway, this person we know decided she wanted it and bought it a few days ago. Last night, Matt got a call saying "Come get this baby because he really is a biter! You can have him for free!" So Matt went and picked him up. Guess what? It's not a corn! As soon as I saw the sandwich container I could tell and Hallie immediately said,"That's an Eastern Milksnake! Can I have him!" LOL! So I looked up all the laws on native species in Ohio and from what I read, we can have him but no more than 4 and if you want more than 4 our you intend on breeding, selling, trading, or even giving it away, you have to get a licsense to do so. Not a biggee right now! So anyway, here's our new corn baby! LOL! Definetly a male, definetly a biter! I'm thinking of calling him Diablo! He's very very tiny! Much smaller than the corn hatchlings so I'm thinking pinky heads for now?