Thanks for the compliments on my little baby. The reason he had to be force fed is because the shop owner bought 2 or 3 baby hatchlings from a new guy---he usually drives to FL and works with a breeder down there and hand selects what he wants to bring back. This time, he said he trusted a new guy who he had been talking to for a while and who said the snakes had been eating just fine. None of them would take anything. They feed theirs F/T which is unusal for a pet store I think. The other one around here where we got Willie, Jewels and Zara only feed live. Which is another reason why I think we are having trouble with Jewels. Willie could care less as long as it is food and Zara is a good eater, just slow and takes her time to take it all she is savoring it. Anyway, they had to feed them pinkie heads for the first few feedings then gradually moved up to small pinkies...we watched him being force fed once with a syringe and a very squished pinkie..for those of you who have seen it, you know what I am talking about. Not pleasant but it got them eating. We go down there once every 2 weeks or so for Aspen and mice, until we got a lot more they special order bales of Aspen and frozen food for us. We saw they still had the "not for sale, non feeder" label on it so we just quit looking. And they wouldn't let us hold it at all until he got to eating on its own. Then yesterday it just happened to have eaten by himself for the last couple of Wednesdays and they said he was ready to go now. I wasn't even there to look at them because I didn't expect them to be ready to go. I hadn't looked for the past 3 weeks. But something just told us to go over and look. He was in the back in his holder and was out of his aspen just looking at me. Well, once I held him and saw how docile he was, he was mine. I walked around with him in the store for a good half hour first just to be sure. And I checked him again today and even in blue, just getting a new home, and having the dog sniff at him, he was just as gentle as could be. Feel pretty lucky to have him..any of them actually. So blessed!!!