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Snake Steak Sausages


New member
Does anyone have experience with the Snake Steak Sausages from T-Rex? I underestimated how much my family would freak out at the idea of frozen mice in the freezer, so I'm desperately trying to figure out how I'm going to feed my snake once I get it. I think my family might actually tolerate these.

Does anyone know if these sausages are good snake food? The ingredients are listed as "meat and meat derivatives," which doesn't exactly inspire confidence. It doesn't even tell you what kind of meat they're made of. I wanted to feed my baby only the healthiest, grain-fed mice, so I don't want to get the sausages if they're of poor quality.
Kathy Love's Corn Snake Manual has a section on this and they seem to be a good alternative (according to the book they are made up of ground vertebrae carcasses with all parts except fur, feathers, and intestines). She mentions a Jon Coote who has successfully raised some corns to healthy adulthood on the snake-steaks and hers apparently were receptive of them.
Don't worry about the frozen mice. My wife absolutely refused to let me have any frozen mice in "her" freezer. Now I have a whole shelf!

Just keep them by themselves. I suggest a non-transparent tupperware container so they can't see what is in them.

Good luck
Hubby didn't like me to have frozen rodents in the freezer. Finally he relented. I put them in zip loc baggies, then inside a mixed nut tin. That lasted until hubby's kids were here for the summer. ONe day at dinner, his son asked "May I have some nuts?" and we looked at each other, puzzled, before he finished with: "I saw that we have some in the freezer."

AFter laughing my head off, I found hubby was less inclined to have mice in the freezer. Now I feed stunned or pre-killed adult mice, and live fuzzies and pinkies.
That's a huge rip. Way too overpriced! For a little a few bucks more you can get a fifty pack. Has anyone thats used them before noteiced a nutritional difference?
Yeah...like I said...PRICEY!

Considering I buy pinks and fuzzies for less than .25 a piece locally.

Oh yeah, don't forget to figure in your 2nd day air shipping into that cost either!


Orders for Frozen Foods

Frozen Food Orders ship either the day you placed the order or will ship by the next business day, typically within 24 hours.

Frozen Foods are shipped Monday and Tuesday only via UPS 2nd Day Air Service. See below for cost info on next day air option.

Minimum shipping charges will be $19.95 in the 48 continuous states. Orders to Alaska and Hawaii with be charged actual shipping. Customers will be notified with the exact shipping charges before the order is processed.



Definately too rich for my blood!

I tried looking for these when I first started keeping corns, after reading about these in Kathy's book and getting a similar "no rodents in the freezer" opinion from the girlfriend :D

Then I had a look at T-Rex's site and saw that they were feeding one to an iguana (that photo's still on that URL btw - scroll up, it's in the first post on this thread), and it put me off T-Rex completely. If it wasn't for the T-Rex 100 Watt Spot Active UVHeat bulbs (much more powerful UVB output than either the 100watt or 160watt ZooMed Powersuns) that we use with our diurnal reptiles (beardies, sulcata tortoise, chinese water dragon & a flap-necked chameleon), I wouldn't buy any T-Rex products at all.
Those lights rock! I won't use anything else, but I agree that the rest of the T-Rex line is sub-par.
25 cents for pinkies! I have to pay four times that. Huge rip but I don't know where else to look for them unless ordering online.
You have to add the same shipping as frozen mice to the price?!!?!? Then that's a real REAL big rip-off. Compare the prices:

I buy 100 frozen pinks from BCRF - $25
Add local 2nd day shipping - $17
Divide that by 100 - $32 / 100 = 32 cents per mouse
So I only pay 32 cents a mouse


If I bought a 100 pack of steaks from T-Rex (pinkie size) - $60
Add a minimum shipping price - $20
Divide by 100 - $80 / 100 = 80 cents per mouse
Paying almost 3 times as much!

Total price differences are - 80 dollars VS 32 dollars

Unless there's a really REALLY good reason to buy the sausages, then I wouldn't.
I buy the f/t from my pet store so they're a little more expensive than bulk, but the cost of shipping from something like rodent pro brought the cost up to $60.00. It only costs me a little more to buy it local and it comes in a white plastic tub that you can't see the mice in. My husband doesn't care about the mice in the freezer, but I'm not sure about anyone else.

Hit the shows and also your local herp club. Generally there are at least one and usaully more members that offer feeder rodents at very reasonable prices....ie.no shipping charge! Besides the obvious quanity discount most places offer.

If I had to pay $1 for a single pink, I would get into breeding my own mice. Even though it's not exactly a pretty site, smell, etc!

Mice procreate about every 21 days, if I'm not mistaken. That would make far more sense to me at least!

Whatcha think the big time snake breeders do for feeders? Although I'm sure they have to supplement certain sizes on ocassion from an outside source but I bet you would find out that people such as Rich, Kathy and Don breed their own! Cuts the overhead cost WAY down!

My friend's a herp in Nevada, and he buys his mice when he visits us here cuz they're cheaper. He also gets the discount at my pet store. Works well for him.
Ha, ha! I meant a herper! Ooops....well, maybe he's a herp, you never know. He is from the wilds of Nevada.....
Lol. There's a snake in all of us. (Metaphorically speaking of course. I would really hope there's not an actual snake inside someone.)