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butter anerythristic????


New member
i was playing around with Mick's Progeny Predictor and I come up with a phenotype described by the predictor as "butter, anerythristic". Does anyone know if what this snake would look like??? how u would be able to distinguish it from the regular butters?? if anyone could help me out-- really appreciate it
As far as I can figure, there could not possibly be a phenotype (what the snake looks like, not what may be hidden in it's genetic makeup) that is both butter and anerythristic...that would be a contridiction of terms. A butter is an amelanistic caramel. Genetically, it looks like this...RRbbcc (R - red color, b - lacks black, c - high yellow seen in caramels/butters). An anerythristic, genetically, looks like this...rrBBCC (r - lacks red, B - black color, C -doesn't have the extra yellow).

The only other thing I can think of that may account for both terms (butter and anerythristic) is to combine the genetics and come up with RRBBcc (which is a caramel...has both red and black and the increased yellow).

I've not used Mike's Progeny Predictor so don't know how it's set up. Could you give me the combination you put into it to get those results? I could probably figure out what happened from that.
I've gotten that before as well

I did a butter and a snow cross, then crossed those babies (amel het anery and caramel). That says that 6.25% will be butter anerythristic.
OK, just did the Punnett Square for CornCrazy's pairing of amel het anery and caramel and can only say that the Predictor is calling the phenotypic snows that are homozygous caramel "butter anery" because they have the homozygous gene pairings for butter (bbcc) as well as the homozygous genes to produce anery (rr). Guess the predictor isn't set up to call everything by it's more common name... i.e. it would call a snow an amelanistic anerythristic!
Well heck, that's an easy one. Drag out a snow corn and take a look at it. That's what a butter anerythristic will look like. I have had a bunch of snows come from Butter adults and they look basically like typical snows.

Now I also have gotten some Snow Motleys from Butter Motley parents, and THESE look quite different from run of the bill Snow Motleys.

Apparently 'A' Anerythrism masks Caramel. I have an adult Anerythristic Motley that came from Caramel Motley parents that looks like a plain jane anery motley to me. Matter of fact I'll probably sell it off this year if I can remember where I put it.
Hey Rich! If you find it, you could wrap it up and put it under my Christmas tree this year! I think I deserve a present for figuring out what a butter anery is on my own. Well, I did have a little help from CornCrazy...she gave me a clue with her pairings. Guess she deserves a present too!
The predictor does use names like snow, ghost, etc. unless you tell it not to. I think the problem is a) when it was written, some effects (anery 'masking' caramel, etc.) were not known, thus not programmed, so the phenotype results may not always be 100% accurate, and b) with triple + homozygous animals, the program doesn't know which way to pair up the traits for combos: butter, anery could also be listed as snow, caramel.

It will also list a snake quad het for amel, hypo, anery, and caramel as het for 'butter ghost' with the 'combinations' option checked.
I thought I

would put a picture on of a 'butter anery' and an 'anery caramel' I happen to have gotten. I got these from Crazycorn from a group of non-feeders. Their parents were caramel het butter & anery X caramel het butter & anery. I didn't realize at first that they were multi homo. I thought they were just a snow and anery het whatever. But a little while ago I was checking the progeny predictor to see what they could be het for and found out that they were triple & double homo.
As you will see, they look like a snow and an anery just like Rich said. I happen to like snows so that is no problem, it is nice to know that for use he is triple homo though. The snow is a much deeper 'pink' color than my other three snows were at this age, but other than that he is just a snow.


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Here is a good

shot of his head. I prefer to refer to it as a snow caramel since that is its color.
His name is Snowflake (I know, not very original but it fits). I like how white his white is at this moment in his life.


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And this is

the anery caramel sister. Again, just an anery.


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And a closer shot

Her name is bullet (from the head pattern)


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They are looking good! The snow is very pretty. I am glad at least some of the non-feeders are doing OK for you still. I look forward to seeing them as they mature. Keep us posted!!!
Yep, they are doing well

In fact, they both ate live pinkies yesterday for the first time without scenting. I was happy.
Hopefully they won't turn their noses up next time. LOL...you know how that goes. Just when you think you have them set, they decide they don't like it again.
Hello ,
I'm new on the forum .I was reading some time but now I want to put my first (but not last) reply .I am also working on the combination Butter - Snow but introduced snowstripe to buttermotley .I got also amels (motley & motleystripe) . I hope to get the anerybutter and also some special butters . I will let you know ( I hope ) . The amels are showing very bright yellow like the butterparents from Rich Z I bought .