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'07 Bloodred Baby with a twist

Alright last year alot of you know I hatched out the "pied" Granites. Now this year....I hatched out a couple of these from Bayou stock (Lore's new pair)
Some of the clutchmates will be for sale shortly...
Needless to say this is a keeper folks...


Tula I got this baby from two bloodreds that weren't showing the trait (only the male has a little white on his head)
The Granites are totally unrelated.
I know Rob at Bayou bred his SMR stock Pied to Pied and got all Pied babies.
I cannot tell you at this point if this is the same gene as SMRs, or not...but I did get the pair from Rob originally.
It's not like the parents traveled far. She can use them at any time ;) :cheers:

Brilliant Hatchling, of course I'm EXTATIC! :crazy02: