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1.0 Snow


Ancient Elder
Here's one of my male snows. It's container cleaning day tomorrow, so of course, it's a mess.


  • snm007.jpg
    44.1 KB · Views: 126
good picture... snow`s are soo hard to photograph... getting the light levels right is a pain... any flash just refelcts right off them to over-expose the film :(

i`ve got a couple of pics of mine but i havent uploaded them yet.. needless to say they are not as good as yours lol
Nice Snow, Blito. The photo of mine is of one of my 2003 hatchlings, which has shed once and fed twice, so far. You're right, getting the right look is difficult, especially with snows. I use natural ligthing--early morning is better--since anything shot under artificial light tends to come out looking artificial, in my opinion. I'll use a fill card sometimes, if it's needed.

Here's another hatch-mate snow.


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My stepfather is kind of a shutterbug, and the flash he has on his camera is the kind that you can pivot up and down... and he says if you aim the flash up you don't get as much glare, but you still get the light. (also helps get rid of red-eye)

Doesn't do me much good with my little all-in-one digital camera... you tilt the flash up and you're taking a picture of the ceiling! ;) but if you have an adjustable flash, you might try it.
bobknaptor said:
Doesn't do me much good with my little all-in-one digital camera... you tilt the flash up and you're taking a picture of the ceiling! ;) but if you have an adjustable flash, you might try it.

I've got the same problem on my digital.

I remember, way back in photography class, another trick once used to tone down the flash was to cover it with a white handkerchief.