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100 Flower Ratsnakes...


New member
I stumbled across a picture of this species the other day and immediately fell in love. Does anyone have any information or tips on this snake? Ive got so far that they like mid 70's they like rat pinks and fuzzies they are imported from asia and normally found in caves and the like... get in between 4-8 ft depending on gender and thats about it that i can find... anyone have any other care info? :grabbit:
yea, got few different names i noticed, here is pic
i guess normal habitat... hmm. cant find anything more then what i listed first. ho hum. ah well. I want one. think i might have to get one. mmmmm!
I have been looking at them for some time myself and unfortunately so far all I can find are live eaters and I feed f/t. The humidity I believe needs to be up like 70% and the temps I believe are about mid 60's to upper 70's. Let me know if you find anything different as I am very curious as well.
Unfortunately, they seem quite difficult to keep...

We tried a few back in the '90s when we had Glades Herp. The imported ones sometimes came in looking really good, and we cherry picked the best ones. We even got a few juveniles. They looked great, ate well, seemed healthy, and within a month to a few months, started going downhill for no apparent reason, and died. I heard that the Asian snake markets sometimes remove some organs that may be needed, but have no idea if that is true. We were never able to keep any long term, though.

I bet if you could find some c.b., you might have better luck. But Mark Bell got a few (probably w.c.) quite a few years ago, and had very poor luck reproducing them, even when he had a few that were eating and doing well. That info is a few years old, so he may be doing better now. But I doubt that many, if any, breeders are regularly producing them in any numbers. So I would expect c.b. babies to be very expensive, if available at all.

I would suggest that they are probably not a good beginner snake. And I would suggest not buying any w.c. specimens. If you can find a c.b. directly from the breeder, and you trust the breeder to give good info (that might be MUCH more updated than my older info), that would be the only way to obtain them, in my opinion.

Sure would like to see them bred regularly - they are very impressive!
Thank You Kathy! Wow. *sigh yea, they are looking to range from 99.99-130.00. It was kind of a hint to myself that since I was having such a hard time finding info then that might not be a good indication of survival rate or success keeping them. Since I only trust a few breeders such as yourself and a couple others... looks like I will just have to enjoy the pictures and leave it at that for the time being. Doesn't hurt to appreciate them though, right? :)
If you could get a CAPTIVE BORN baby for that price...

it would be great! But I suspect you mean wild caught? Are they being offered by a breeder or a dealer?
I am an asian ratsnake freak! I love these guys but they are extra hard. Almost never do well, for every 100 imported maybe 5 make it a year.