Wife Convincer
Now owning my own snake, a 2.5 year old corn, I don't want the same fate to happen to her. Who knows if she was sexed correctly. I affectionately call her Ginger.
I am really frustrated with the variety of conflicting information on the net with any pet ownership, especially reptiles. So I am hoping to make some friends here and keep my Ginger happy.
Somehow I managed to convince my wife who was deathly terrified of snakes to let me get one. She even handles Ginger a bit. Thanks to my cousin Charles for introducing his corn to us and for helping me change my wife's mind on snakes.
One question I have is how much should I feed her? She is 3 feet long and appears to be of ideal weight. It sounded like the PO fed her 4 fuzzies every 10 days. All at once. I had some fuzzies from him and fed her, she snapped them back real quick. I got some hoppers and will try those next. I'm thinking maybe 2 a week?Any advice it's appreciated.