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1st snake- Flourescent Orange Corn!


New member
Hi all-
Our newest family member and 1st snake arrived bright and early by fed-ex this morning. My daughter has been working for months to earn him so she's pretty excited! I'm nervous about snakes but he is pretty cute and my theory is that having him so small he'll grow on me!
He seemed fine out of the box- very curious and spent about 45 min. exploring his new digs, having a drink, climbing and stretching out. Now he's decided to go curl up in one of the hides. I figure he must not be too scared if he did all that exploring and didn't just immediately hide himself.
I'm sure we'll have lots of questions - glad to have this forum!
Welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy your time here. :)

I suspect by 'Fluorescent Orange' you mean he is an Amel (Amelanistic). Simply put this means that he has no black pigment. Could you post up some pics so we can see?
Yes, he's an amel- from Rich Z.- he calls this particular variety fluorescent orange. I'll get some pics when he's a little more at home but in the meantime you can go to look at Rich's pictures on the Serpenco.com site.
Since my daughter worked really hard to earn him we let her pick the coloration and this was her choice. Right now he still looks pretty much like the hatchlings in Rich's pictures, it'll be fun to see him grow and change. He just scared the crud out of me. After taking a nap I decided to go look at him and couldn't find him in the cage. Opened the top, took out the water bowl and hides-nothing. I was sick, since he just got here and my daughter will be back anytime. I looked at the cage-which is quite secure- and I couldn't figure out how he could have gotten out. Finally, I got a big spoon and started gently digging through the Aspen. Last corner I check, there he was all curled up and way down deep! Whew!
Hoosierneals said:
Yes, he's an amel- from Rich Z.- he calls this particular variety fluorescent orange. I'll get some pics when he's a little more at home but in the meantime you can go to look at Rich's pictures on the Serpenco.com site.
Since my daughter worked really hard to earn him we let her pick the coloration and this was her choice. Right now he still looks pretty much like the hatchlings in Rich's pictures, it'll be fun to see him grow and change. He just scared the crud out of me. After taking a nap I decided to go look at him and couldn't find him in the cage. Opened the top, took out the water bowl and hides-nothing. I was sick, since he just got here and my daughter will be back anytime. I looked at the cage-which is quite secure- and I couldn't figure out how he could have gotten out. Finally, I got a big spoon and started gently digging through the Aspen. Last corner I check, there he was all curled up and way down deep! Whew!
Mine did PRECICELY the same thing. Not a pleasant experience. Moral of the story: Lazy is best. Use newspaper. :grin01: (Though I still use aspen, but hey).
i thought i lost mine once, i was looking for it for a couple minutes until as i looked up and saw that the snake had squeezed in between the screen top and the skinny edging of the tanks finish...
I'd be careful digging with a spoon. You could just take your fingers and ruffle through it. It's not like he's under there ready to bite- he'll be crawling away.

Hi there, welcome to the forum.
You got it right when you said the snake will grow on you, I give you 6 months MAX and you will have 1 of your own.
Enjoy both the snake and your time here, feel free to ask any questions.

Congrats! And welcome!

I just bought my son his first corn...we've never owned a snake before....and now.....I am in the process of getting my own..lol...yup, mommy wants her own purty corn snake..lol
Hoosierneals said:
Yes, he's an amel- from Rich Z.- he calls this particular variety fluorescent orange. I'll get some pics when he's a little more at home but in the meantime you can go to look at Rich's pictures on the Serpenco.com site.
Since my daughter worked really hard to earn him we let her pick the coloration and this was her choice. Right now he still looks pretty much like the hatchlings in Rich's pictures, it'll be fun to see him grow and change. He just scared the crud out of me. After taking a nap I decided to go look at him and couldn't find him in the cage. Opened the top, took out the water bowl and hides-nothing. I was sick, since he just got here and my daughter will be back anytime. I looked at the cage-which is quite secure- and I couldn't figure out how he could have gotten out. Finally, I got a big spoon and started gently digging through the Aspen. Last corner I check, there he was all curled up and way down deep! Whew!

Thats going to happen a million more times :cool: When I start taking things out of the viv, like a plant, Im paranoid Im going to set it down, and as Im looking in the viv, my snake is crawling away out of the plant LOL

Anyway, congratulations, cant wait for the pics!
I give you 6 months MAX and you will have 1 of your own.

That's for sure! Two months ago we got our first Corn. Now we have 4 snakes. 2 Kings and 2 Corns. :rofl: LOL