"Serpent Science"
I was having trouble selling my kingsnakes so I ended up trading them (and paying $40) for this bad girl. She's an '07 Hogg Island boa. This will be my first experience with a non-colubrid. ENJOY!
Nice trade! Everyone has one of those except me, now...
u sure its not?
Hm... doesn't look like a Hog to me.
But nice anyway...
She is loverly ...but i agree, not a hoggisland
Definitely not a Dum's, hehe...=)Looks a little like a Dumerils ground boa
I agree. Looks like a BCI or a cross...but a lovely snake, none-the-less!Shes not an anery and shes not a Hogg Isle. She could certainly be a cross BCI X Hogg isle but theres no way you can prove that. Either way she is a BCI boa, I think shes a lovely common boa.