Addicted Member
This little okeetee lives up to her name, for sure. I named her Sassy before I even got to know her...I've raised her up from a 2000 hatchling. She is 2 this summer. She is pretty small compared to my other year 2000 babies, though. While taking these pictures...she repeatedly struck at my camera and me. While putting the screen lid back on, she even got a nip at my finger. Kind of saddens me that my only little girl is a pure old "witch", to put it nicely. LOL Does anyone else have a mean one like this? What are the cures? Frequent handling isn't the answer...she always was a nippy baby and I hold her as much as all of my others, but she is not very nice. Now, what would make me even want to hold her? Even when I go near the cage, she will bang her head off the glass trying to strike at me. Opinions on her are welcomed... She's a fairly attractive snake too!