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2010 butter motleys and Abbotts for sale

Lavman breeder

New member

I've got some nice butter motleys ph stripe that I need to sell. Asking $20 + shipping. I also have a motley amel het butter and two motley normals het butter and unknown. I also have 8 hatchling abbotts okeetees $20 and will soon have some nice candycanes and creamsickle okeetees. Here are some pics below:


Mike Udall

butters- 6:8
abbotts- haven't checked yet
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Oh, and just in case any of you were wondering... The adult butter above was the male and the mother is a butter that looks almost identicle to him. For some really crazy reason that I can't figure out, I got 2 motley/pin striped normals and a motley amel in the bunch of 17. The only thing I can think of is that she must have stored semen from another male long ago that must have fertilized 3 of the eggs. He had to have been motley and most likely het amel.

Update...Butters and abbotts are now sold out. Some are on hold for members of this site. Today my creamsickle/abbotts started hatching and in a week or so my candycanes should be coming out. thx.

Mike Udall