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2011 corns... free delivery to hamm in Germany,


New member
I am going to the German hamm show 10th/11th september.
I am only attending as a customer, but am able to meet up and bring any snakes that are reserved.

this is my current list, all are available right now, most have had many feeds, some over 20 feeds. the least will be about 6 feeds. All of these are defrosted pink.

2.1 Normal 100% het amel, 66% poss het anery, lava, 50% poss het bloodred £10
0.1 Normal 66% poss het hypo, cinder and bloodred £15
1.0 Normal 100% het sunkissed, 50% poss het amel and anery £10
1.0 Normal 100% het sunkissed, 50% poss het amel and anery £10
1.2 Normal stripe 100% het amel, hypo, and lavender £20

0.1 Amel 100% het sunkissed, 50% poss het anery £20
1.0 Amel 100% het bloodred and caramel £15
1.1 Amel 66% poss het anery and lava, 50% poss het bloodred £15

0.1 Sunkissed 100% het amel, 50% poss het anery £20
2.0 Sunkissed 50 % poss het amel and anery £20
0.1 Sunkissed 66% poss het bloodred and caramel £20
3.0 Sunkissed 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het amel £20
0.1 Normal 100% het hypo,lavender, sunkissed and stripe £30 RESERVED,IF I DONT KEEP
0.2 Sunkissed anery, 50% poss het amel £80
1.0 Caramel 66% poss het bloodred and sunkissed £20
1.0 Caramel Bloodred 66% poss het sunkissed £40
0.2 Inferno 50% poss het anery £45

1.2 Butter 100% het bloodred and motley £50
1.1 Sulfur £65/£75 half related. £130 pair

1.0 Hypo bloodred motley, 66% poss het anery £150
1.0 Hypo cinder, 66% poss het bloodred £150
1.0 Snowmel (lava snow) 66% poss het bloodred £75
0.1 Lavamel 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het bloodred £60
2.0 Hypo 66% poss het cinder and bloodred £30
0.1 Bloodred 100% het lavender, 66% poss het hypo, 50% poss het amel, anery and stripe £35
0.1 Granite 66% poss het amel, stripe and hypo, 50% poss het lavender £40

Prices are shown in British Pounds (£). but I am happy to just exchange the prices for euros.
I am pretty much only wanting straight sales for cash, although may be willing to swap or part swap with cash either way for something rare.
There isnt a great deal I am wanting right now as I have probably close to 100 morphs and produced over 50 this year, but if you feel you have anything that may suit then please offer.

I am happy to do some very good deals on many of these, especially if lots are purchased.
I will though have to take a non refundable deposit now, otherwise I cannot bring the snakes.
it will be worth your while though, so if any interest please pm soon as possible as we dont have long before the show.
I have about 5 snakes to add, but dont have all the details with me. so this is the lot.
I probably only have a about 5 hours max as we leave in 6.
so most likely too late for this show, but i'll check back before I go.