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2012 Amber Blood


Herpetologists' offspring
Well, the Hamburg, PA show got me again. I've managed to make it through two years of shows without buying any animals, but today I finally gave in. I passed an aquarium full of hatchling corns for $15 each - who could resist?! I saw some little guys in there with gorgeous bloodred head patterns, so I picked my favorite and shelled out the cash before I could change my mind! And so I present to you a first for my collection...

...an amber blood!

This little guy is a first because I don't have any other corns that are homozygous for caramel - I do, however have a few that are possibly het. for it, so he could be useful someday!
Congratulations! He/she looks like quite a find.. and what a deal.

I just got a baby Caramel Blood, and I'm super excited to see how she turns out. They seem to start off a little slow (until the yellow/caramel really starts to come in). But the adult amber/caramel bloodred's that I've seen look awesome.
Thanks everyone! He certainly was a steal. Now I'm just looking forward to seeing if he'll actually eat!