These little guys are hurricane survivors now, my apt where I keep my snakes is in Keansburg Nj on the bay. This past week the hurricane flooded my apt by 2 feet, 2 of these little guys where in a rack in the bottom 4 containers, the bottom 2 filled with water, but I had already moved the inhabitants up high. I didnt evacuate and should have, My entire snake collection(45 snakes plus 4 turtles and a small mouse colony) spent 4 days in 50 degree weather with the smell of raw sewerage and salt water that I waded in for 24 hours, while I made sure they were all raised up and taken care of. Anyhow all I lost was furniture, which is replaceable.They are all warm and cozy in their makeshift enclosures now and some of the baby ghosts need to find new homes since I lost my entire mice rat and chick supply, until my shipment comes in next week.