Hi, all--
Apologies to those who have messaged me during the last few months! I am--at long last--finished with the school work and other projects that had me totally swamped. So, rather than trying to respond individually to so many inquiries, I thought I'd post a list of what I have and hope to have available this summer. I am also planning to sell a number of adults, so for the pairings below, if the breeders are listed in blue, that means I'm considering selling the parent(s) of the clutch. All Sunkissed or het Sunkissed snakes have been proven free of Stargazer unless otherwise noted.
I have family visiting this week, so it will be the middle of next week before I'll be able to respond to picture requests. I also have about 25 yearling holdbacks that I plan to photograph and list for sale.
So, the pairings are listed as Male x Female; # of fertile eggs; approximate due date; expected morphs. I don't decide on prices until I see how sex ratios turn out, so those will come later. Also, I have listed clutches that will produce more interesting morphs first; those that will produce primarily low-end morphs will follow. Anyone interested in hatchlings from the low-end clutches should contact me early, since these will go straight to the wholesaler (except for Stargazer test clutches, of course).
Higher-end/Oddball Stuff:
16-1: High-White Okeetee x High-White Okeetee (female 2); 1; hatched 6/21; High-White Okeetee SOLD
16-2: Coral Snow (greenish borders, SMR line) x Green/Yellow-Spot Snow ph. Sunkissed; 18; hatched 6/30; Snows (most to be kept to watch green development; any showing pink will be available for sale once the female is cleared for Stargazer) establishing
16-3: Miami h. Amel and "Vanishing" Stripe x Amel Stripe (candycane-ish); 12; hatched 7/1; Miamis, Candycanes, Miami Stripes, a Candycane Stripe (nfs) establishing
16-4: Specter x Specter; 18; hatched 7/1; pink Specters, about half with the classic pattern aberrancy establishing
16-5: RedCoat Lava Okeetee x RedCoat Lava Okeetee h. Amel; 17; hatched 7/5; RC Lava Okeetees establishing
16-6: Banded Miami h. Amel and Hypo x Banded Amel Buf (Oak) h. Hypo; 8; hatched 7/4; Banded Amels, Crimsons, Buf Amels, Buf Crimsons establishing
16-7: Champagne Stripe x Champagne Stripe; 10; hatched 7/4; Champagne Stripes (very pink line) establishing
16-8: Miami Okeetee h. Anery, Amel, Hypo x Miami Okeetee h. Amel and Hypo; 13; hatched 7/8; Miami Okeetees, Crimson Okeetees, High-White Okeetees establishing
16-9: Miami Okeetee h. Anery, Amel, Hypo x High-White Okeetee (female 1); 15; hatched 7/11; Miami Okeetees, High-White Okeetees establishing
16-10: Banded Charcoal Okeetee h. Amel x Extreme Okeetee (SMR line) h. Amel; 23; hatched 7/18; nice Okeetees and Reverse Okeetees het Charcoal, some Banded establishing
16-13: Striped-Motley Sunrise Amel h. Stripe x Striped-Motley Amel h. Sunrise and Stripe; 15; hatched 7/14; Striped Amels and Striped-Motley Amels (genetically mot/mot or mot/stp), Striped Sunrise Amels, Striped-Motley Sunrise Amels establishing
16-14: Tessera Stripe h. Bloodred, Pied, Hypo x (very red) Hypo Pied Bloodred; 15; hatched 7/12; Normals, Bloods, Pied Bloods, Hypo Bloods, all in Tessera combinations establishing
16-15: "Weirdo" sire h. Amel x Ultramel Anery Tessera h. Motley; 17; hatched 7/14; "Weirdos" in Amel, Ultramel, and Normal, all with Tessera combinations; same pairing as last year establishing
16-16: "Weirdo" sire h. Amel x Extreme Reverse Okeetee; 4; hatched 7/10; "Weirdo" Normals and Reverse Okeetees all feeding
16-19: RedCoat Okeetee x RedMask Reverse Okeetee (SMR line); 1; hatched 7/14; "red" Okeetee feeding
16-21: Buf Reverse Okeetee x Motley/Stripe Tessera h. Amel and Hypo; 22; hatched 7/19; Normals, Bufs, Reverse Okeetees, and Amel Buf Okeetees, all in Tessera combinations establishing
16-22: Striped Pied Bloodred (very dark) h. Anery and Hypo x Striped Bloodred (cherry red) h. Anery; 1; hatched 7/24; dark red Striped Blood (cubing) feeding
16-23: Banded Miami h. Amel and Hypo x Banded Super Buf (Oak) h. Amel and Hypo; 11; hatched 7/21; Buf Miamis, Buf Candycanes, and Buf Crimsons, all Banded establishing
16-24: "Pink" (likely RedCoat) Lavender h. Anery and Lava x "Pink" Lavender h. Lava and Strawberry; 19; hatched 7/24; pink Lavenders and Lava Lavenders establishing
16-25: Fire x Creamsicle h. Hypo; 24; hatched 7/26; Red Creamsicles (het Bloodred)
16-26: Alabama (locality) x Upper Keys Caramel Bloodred; 18; hatched 7/25; Normals (ideally with silvery ground color and het for the metallic sheen of Alabamas, Caramel, and Bloodred)
16-27: Specter x Coral Snow (SMR line); 27; hatched 7/29; "Heliconias"; a previous breeding of this pair produced bright pink snakes with the dark bordered saddles of Specters
16-28: Normal h. Kastanie, Lavender, Bloodred x same; 12; due 8/16; Kastanie Lavender Bloodreds, Kastanie Lavenders, Kastanie Bloodreds, etc.
16-29: Pewter h. Stripe x Striped Bloodred h. Charcoal; 17; due 8/28; Pewters, Striped Bloodreds, and Pewter Stripes
16-30: "High-Contrast" Anery ph. Motley, Charcoal, Amel x Anery ph. Motley, Charcoal, Amel (female 1); 9; due 9/10; ideally reproduce the "high-contrast" look of the male, plus Anery Motleys, Snows, Snow Motleys, Blizzards, etc. (SMR loan project)
16-31: "High-Contrast" Anery ph. Motley, Charcoal, Amel x Anery ph. Motley, Charcoal, Amel (female 2); 17; due 9/16; (same as 16-30)
16-32: "Weirdo" sire h. Amel x Amel "Weirdo" daughter from original "Weirdo" female; laying now; due 9/25; "Weirdo" Normals and Amels?? laying overdue; may have reabsorbed
16-34: Alabama (locality) x same; laying soon; due 10/1; locality Alabamas (St. Clair County) laying overdue; may have reabsorbed
16-A: (same pairing as 16-1); 5; hatching now
16-C: Champagne Stripe x Specter; 10; due 8/15; should be similar to "Heliconias," but with the Stripe het
16-D: Striped Bloodred h. Pied, Amel, Anery, and Lavender x Champagne Stripe; 7; due 8/20; "red" Stripes, Amel Stripes, and Snow Stripes het Bloodred (testing the unknown "red" factor of the male with the pink of the Champagne line)
16-E: Miami h. Amel and "Vanishing" Stripe x Miami Okeetee h. Amel and Hypo, ph. Motley; 12; due 8/22; Miamis, Candycanes, possibly Miami and Candycane Motley/Stripes
16-F: (same pairing as 16-3); 6; due 8/30
16-G: EITHER "Weirdo" sire h. Amel OR Miami Okeetee h. Amel, Anery, and Hypo x High-White Okeetee (female 1); 9; due 8/30; EITHER "Weirdo" Normals and Amels OR Miami Okeetees and High White Okeetees
16-H: (same pairing as 16-6); 5; due 9/1
16-J: Striped-Motley Sunrise Amel h. Stripe x RedCoat Lava Okeetee h. Amel; 17; due 9/3; "red" Normals and Amels het Motley/Stripe, Sunrise, and Lava; testing RedCoat against the unknown red factor of the male
16-K: Stargazer x Stargazer; 9; due 9/7; **homozygous Stargazers**, produced in response to the several requests I've had for test-gazers
16-L: Sunkissed Okeetee h. Amel/Ultra x RedMask Reverse Okeetee (SMR line); 6; due 9/8; Okeetees and either Reverse Okeetees or Ultramel Okeetees, het Sunkissed
16-M: RedCoat Lava Okeetee x RedCoat Okeetee h. Amel and Sunkissed ph. Lava; 4; due 9/10; RC Okeetees and possibly RC Lava Okeetees
16-N: Striped Pied Bloodred (very dark) h. Anery and Hypo x (very red) Hypo Pied Bloodred; 5; due 9/12; Pied Bloodreds, Hypo Pied Bloodreds; could possibly be sperm retention from 16-14
16-P Striped Bloodred h. Pied, Amel, Anery, and Lavender x "Pink" Lavender h. Lava and Strawberry; 1; "red" Normals and Lavenders het Striped Bloodred (others if female's phets prove out)
16-AA: (same pairing as 16-4); 10; due 9/30; a third clutch for this female!
16-R: Tessera Stripe h. Pied, Bloodred, Hypo x Motley/Stripe Tessera h. Amel and Hypo; 13; due 9/25; Stripes, Motley/Stripes, Hypo Stripes, and Hypo Motley/Stripes, all in combination with Tessera and Super Tessera
16-?: Miami Okeetee h. Amel, Anery, and Hypo x Banded Super Buf (Oak) h. Amel and Hypo; laying soon; due 9/30; Buf Miamis, Buf Crimsons, and Buf Candycanes, some Banded; laying overdue; possible dystocia
16-S: Striped-Motley Sunrise Amel h. Stripe x Ultramel Anery Tessera h. Motley; 10; due 9/25; Motley (mot/mot and mot/stp) Amels and Motley Ultramels, het Sunrise and Anery, in combination with Tessera
16-V: EITHER Fire ph. Caramel OR Upper Keys Caramel (Pied?) Bloodred x Upper Keys Caramel Bloodred; 19; due 10/1; Bloodreds, possibly Caramel Bloodreds or Sulfurs
Lower-end/Test Clutch Stuff:
16-11: Sunkissed Okeetee h. Amel/Ultra x Stargazer; 14; hatched 7/11; **STARGAZER TEST CLUTCH**, Normals, no Stargazers
16-12: Anery Widestripe h. Amel, Lavender, Charcoal x (pale) Sunkissed h. Amel; 23; hatched 7/12; Normals and Amels (het Anery Sunkissed)
16-17: Striped Bloodred h. Pied, Lavender, Anery, Amel x Lavender h. Hypo; 15; hatched 7/15; Normals and Lavenders (het Striped Bloodred)
16-18: Pastel Anery Motley h. Amel x Snow; 17; hatched 7/13; Snows (some pink) and Aneries
16-33: Stargazer x Sunkissed Okeetee h. Amel/Ultra; 19; due 10/2; **STARGAZER TEST CLUTCH**
16-B: Stargazer x Green/Yellow-Spot Snow ph. Sunkissed; 3; due 8/13; **STARGAZER TEST CLUTCH**, will be repeated due to insufficient numbers
16-I: Whiteout x Extreme Okeetee (SMR line) h. Amel; 19; due 9/3; Okeetees and Reverse Okeetees het Bloodred and Charcoal
16-O: Upper Keys Caramel (Pied?) Bloodred x (pale) Sunkissed h. Amel ph. Caramel; 17; due 9/12; Normals and possibly Caramels het Sunkissed
16-Q: "Pink" Lavender h. Anery and Lava x Lavender h. Hypo; 6; due 9/24; Lavenders
16-T: Whiteout x Snow; 13; due 9/25; past pairing produced Fluorescents
16-U: Strawberry h. Sunkissed x Coral Snow (SMR line); 18; due 10/1; Normals, Strawberries, and possibly Hypo/Strawberries
Apologies to those who have messaged me during the last few months! I am--at long last--finished with the school work and other projects that had me totally swamped. So, rather than trying to respond individually to so many inquiries, I thought I'd post a list of what I have and hope to have available this summer. I am also planning to sell a number of adults, so for the pairings below, if the breeders are listed in blue, that means I'm considering selling the parent(s) of the clutch. All Sunkissed or het Sunkissed snakes have been proven free of Stargazer unless otherwise noted.
I have family visiting this week, so it will be the middle of next week before I'll be able to respond to picture requests. I also have about 25 yearling holdbacks that I plan to photograph and list for sale.
So, the pairings are listed as Male x Female; # of fertile eggs; approximate due date; expected morphs. I don't decide on prices until I see how sex ratios turn out, so those will come later. Also, I have listed clutches that will produce more interesting morphs first; those that will produce primarily low-end morphs will follow. Anyone interested in hatchlings from the low-end clutches should contact me early, since these will go straight to the wholesaler (except for Stargazer test clutches, of course).
Higher-end/Oddball Stuff:
16-1: High-White Okeetee x High-White Okeetee (female 2); 1; hatched 6/21; High-White Okeetee SOLD
16-2: Coral Snow (greenish borders, SMR line) x Green/Yellow-Spot Snow ph. Sunkissed; 18; hatched 6/30; Snows (most to be kept to watch green development; any showing pink will be available for sale once the female is cleared for Stargazer) establishing
16-3: Miami h. Amel and "Vanishing" Stripe x Amel Stripe (candycane-ish); 12; hatched 7/1; Miamis, Candycanes, Miami Stripes, a Candycane Stripe (nfs) establishing
16-4: Specter x Specter; 18; hatched 7/1; pink Specters, about half with the classic pattern aberrancy establishing
16-5: RedCoat Lava Okeetee x RedCoat Lava Okeetee h. Amel; 17; hatched 7/5; RC Lava Okeetees establishing
16-6: Banded Miami h. Amel and Hypo x Banded Amel Buf (Oak) h. Hypo; 8; hatched 7/4; Banded Amels, Crimsons, Buf Amels, Buf Crimsons establishing
16-7: Champagne Stripe x Champagne Stripe; 10; hatched 7/4; Champagne Stripes (very pink line) establishing
16-8: Miami Okeetee h. Anery, Amel, Hypo x Miami Okeetee h. Amel and Hypo; 13; hatched 7/8; Miami Okeetees, Crimson Okeetees, High-White Okeetees establishing
16-9: Miami Okeetee h. Anery, Amel, Hypo x High-White Okeetee (female 1); 15; hatched 7/11; Miami Okeetees, High-White Okeetees establishing
16-10: Banded Charcoal Okeetee h. Amel x Extreme Okeetee (SMR line) h. Amel; 23; hatched 7/18; nice Okeetees and Reverse Okeetees het Charcoal, some Banded establishing
16-13: Striped-Motley Sunrise Amel h. Stripe x Striped-Motley Amel h. Sunrise and Stripe; 15; hatched 7/14; Striped Amels and Striped-Motley Amels (genetically mot/mot or mot/stp), Striped Sunrise Amels, Striped-Motley Sunrise Amels establishing
16-14: Tessera Stripe h. Bloodred, Pied, Hypo x (very red) Hypo Pied Bloodred; 15; hatched 7/12; Normals, Bloods, Pied Bloods, Hypo Bloods, all in Tessera combinations establishing
16-15: "Weirdo" sire h. Amel x Ultramel Anery Tessera h. Motley; 17; hatched 7/14; "Weirdos" in Amel, Ultramel, and Normal, all with Tessera combinations; same pairing as last year establishing
16-16: "Weirdo" sire h. Amel x Extreme Reverse Okeetee; 4; hatched 7/10; "Weirdo" Normals and Reverse Okeetees all feeding
16-19: RedCoat Okeetee x RedMask Reverse Okeetee (SMR line); 1; hatched 7/14; "red" Okeetee feeding
16-21: Buf Reverse Okeetee x Motley/Stripe Tessera h. Amel and Hypo; 22; hatched 7/19; Normals, Bufs, Reverse Okeetees, and Amel Buf Okeetees, all in Tessera combinations establishing
16-22: Striped Pied Bloodred (very dark) h. Anery and Hypo x Striped Bloodred (cherry red) h. Anery; 1; hatched 7/24; dark red Striped Blood (cubing) feeding
16-23: Banded Miami h. Amel and Hypo x Banded Super Buf (Oak) h. Amel and Hypo; 11; hatched 7/21; Buf Miamis, Buf Candycanes, and Buf Crimsons, all Banded establishing
16-24: "Pink" (likely RedCoat) Lavender h. Anery and Lava x "Pink" Lavender h. Lava and Strawberry; 19; hatched 7/24; pink Lavenders and Lava Lavenders establishing
16-25: Fire x Creamsicle h. Hypo; 24; hatched 7/26; Red Creamsicles (het Bloodred)
16-26: Alabama (locality) x Upper Keys Caramel Bloodred; 18; hatched 7/25; Normals (ideally with silvery ground color and het for the metallic sheen of Alabamas, Caramel, and Bloodred)
16-27: Specter x Coral Snow (SMR line); 27; hatched 7/29; "Heliconias"; a previous breeding of this pair produced bright pink snakes with the dark bordered saddles of Specters
16-28: Normal h. Kastanie, Lavender, Bloodred x same; 12; due 8/16; Kastanie Lavender Bloodreds, Kastanie Lavenders, Kastanie Bloodreds, etc.
16-29: Pewter h. Stripe x Striped Bloodred h. Charcoal; 17; due 8/28; Pewters, Striped Bloodreds, and Pewter Stripes
16-30: "High-Contrast" Anery ph. Motley, Charcoal, Amel x Anery ph. Motley, Charcoal, Amel (female 1); 9; due 9/10; ideally reproduce the "high-contrast" look of the male, plus Anery Motleys, Snows, Snow Motleys, Blizzards, etc. (SMR loan project)
16-31: "High-Contrast" Anery ph. Motley, Charcoal, Amel x Anery ph. Motley, Charcoal, Amel (female 2); 17; due 9/16; (same as 16-30)
16-32: "Weirdo" sire h. Amel x Amel "Weirdo" daughter from original "Weirdo" female; laying now; due 9/25; "Weirdo" Normals and Amels?? laying overdue; may have reabsorbed
16-34: Alabama (locality) x same; laying soon; due 10/1; locality Alabamas (St. Clair County) laying overdue; may have reabsorbed
16-A: (same pairing as 16-1); 5; hatching now
16-C: Champagne Stripe x Specter; 10; due 8/15; should be similar to "Heliconias," but with the Stripe het
16-D: Striped Bloodred h. Pied, Amel, Anery, and Lavender x Champagne Stripe; 7; due 8/20; "red" Stripes, Amel Stripes, and Snow Stripes het Bloodred (testing the unknown "red" factor of the male with the pink of the Champagne line)
16-E: Miami h. Amel and "Vanishing" Stripe x Miami Okeetee h. Amel and Hypo, ph. Motley; 12; due 8/22; Miamis, Candycanes, possibly Miami and Candycane Motley/Stripes
16-F: (same pairing as 16-3); 6; due 8/30
16-G: EITHER "Weirdo" sire h. Amel OR Miami Okeetee h. Amel, Anery, and Hypo x High-White Okeetee (female 1); 9; due 8/30; EITHER "Weirdo" Normals and Amels OR Miami Okeetees and High White Okeetees
16-H: (same pairing as 16-6); 5; due 9/1
16-J: Striped-Motley Sunrise Amel h. Stripe x RedCoat Lava Okeetee h. Amel; 17; due 9/3; "red" Normals and Amels het Motley/Stripe, Sunrise, and Lava; testing RedCoat against the unknown red factor of the male
16-K: Stargazer x Stargazer; 9; due 9/7; **homozygous Stargazers**, produced in response to the several requests I've had for test-gazers
16-L: Sunkissed Okeetee h. Amel/Ultra x RedMask Reverse Okeetee (SMR line); 6; due 9/8; Okeetees and either Reverse Okeetees or Ultramel Okeetees, het Sunkissed
16-M: RedCoat Lava Okeetee x RedCoat Okeetee h. Amel and Sunkissed ph. Lava; 4; due 9/10; RC Okeetees and possibly RC Lava Okeetees
16-N: Striped Pied Bloodred (very dark) h. Anery and Hypo x (very red) Hypo Pied Bloodred; 5; due 9/12; Pied Bloodreds, Hypo Pied Bloodreds; could possibly be sperm retention from 16-14
16-P Striped Bloodred h. Pied, Amel, Anery, and Lavender x "Pink" Lavender h. Lava and Strawberry; 1; "red" Normals and Lavenders het Striped Bloodred (others if female's phets prove out)
16-AA: (same pairing as 16-4); 10; due 9/30; a third clutch for this female!
16-R: Tessera Stripe h. Pied, Bloodred, Hypo x Motley/Stripe Tessera h. Amel and Hypo; 13; due 9/25; Stripes, Motley/Stripes, Hypo Stripes, and Hypo Motley/Stripes, all in combination with Tessera and Super Tessera
16-?: Miami Okeetee h. Amel, Anery, and Hypo x Banded Super Buf (Oak) h. Amel and Hypo; laying soon; due 9/30; Buf Miamis, Buf Crimsons, and Buf Candycanes, some Banded; laying overdue; possible dystocia
16-S: Striped-Motley Sunrise Amel h. Stripe x Ultramel Anery Tessera h. Motley; 10; due 9/25; Motley (mot/mot and mot/stp) Amels and Motley Ultramels, het Sunrise and Anery, in combination with Tessera
16-V: EITHER Fire ph. Caramel OR Upper Keys Caramel (Pied?) Bloodred x Upper Keys Caramel Bloodred; 19; due 10/1; Bloodreds, possibly Caramel Bloodreds or Sulfurs
Lower-end/Test Clutch Stuff:
16-11: Sunkissed Okeetee h. Amel/Ultra x Stargazer; 14; hatched 7/11; **STARGAZER TEST CLUTCH**, Normals, no Stargazers
16-12: Anery Widestripe h. Amel, Lavender, Charcoal x (pale) Sunkissed h. Amel; 23; hatched 7/12; Normals and Amels (het Anery Sunkissed)
16-17: Striped Bloodred h. Pied, Lavender, Anery, Amel x Lavender h. Hypo; 15; hatched 7/15; Normals and Lavenders (het Striped Bloodred)
16-18: Pastel Anery Motley h. Amel x Snow; 17; hatched 7/13; Snows (some pink) and Aneries
16-33: Stargazer x Sunkissed Okeetee h. Amel/Ultra; 19; due 10/2; **STARGAZER TEST CLUTCH**
16-B: Stargazer x Green/Yellow-Spot Snow ph. Sunkissed; 3; due 8/13; **STARGAZER TEST CLUTCH**, will be repeated due to insufficient numbers
16-I: Whiteout x Extreme Okeetee (SMR line) h. Amel; 19; due 9/3; Okeetees and Reverse Okeetees het Bloodred and Charcoal
16-O: Upper Keys Caramel (Pied?) Bloodred x (pale) Sunkissed h. Amel ph. Caramel; 17; due 9/12; Normals and possibly Caramels het Sunkissed
16-Q: "Pink" Lavender h. Anery and Lava x Lavender h. Hypo; 6; due 9/24; Lavenders
16-T: Whiteout x Snow; 13; due 9/25; past pairing produced Fluorescents
16-U: Strawberry h. Sunkissed x Coral Snow (SMR line); 18; due 10/1; Normals, Strawberries, and possibly Hypo/Strawberries
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