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2yo snake regurge


New member

SO a friend of mine has a 2yo Corn. He's always eaten well once every ten days lately. He was just moved up to adult mice about a month ago.

My friend (not very experienced contacted me the other day, said that his snake was "eating weird" all of a sudden, that it looked like he was "sucking all the guts out of the mouse and leaving the rest, and it really stinks"

I immedately knew the issue, he must have regurged. Gathered a bit more information, I guess he's done it twice, my suspicion is, that he regurged the first time due to being in shed and slightly too large prey item, then the second because he was fed too soon.

I told him to STOP feeding him. Move him back down to hoppers, and told him I would get more information on how to proceed but not to feed him again till I had some more information.

I'm familiar with the protocol for hatchlings, no food for at least 8-10 days, then start with pinky heads x3, then back 1/2 x3 then front half x3 then pink in two pieces x3 then back to feeding normally. Nutribac I know is also recomended and I told him he should order some but he doesn't do business online and I'm in a different city.

So for a adult snake, how should he proceed from here??

Thanks in advance for all and any advice and I'll pass it on to my friend.

(PS husbandry has been checked, heat and such are all fine)
I'd go back to hoppers, and feed maybe 2-4 meals of hoppers, with slits cut on the back and both sides, then to slit weanlings, and not to adults until the snake is 20-30 grams more than when he last attempted adults.

Any chance you can order the Nutribac for him and just have it delivered there?