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30% Off! Adult and sub-adult sale. Proven breeders, pairs, trios

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Just Another Corn Breeder
I closed down a similar thread and moved photos, etc to my new surplus page (http://www.arizonareptile.com/surplus/) .

Due to a recent career move and accompanying lack of time, I am looking to downsize my collection. My goals are to have fewer animals as well as diversify my collection. I am therefore open to trades, as long as your animals are healthy and in the mid range to upper range ($$$). I am open to different species, but mostly interested in corn snakes, western hognoses, ball pythons, scaleless rat snakes and green tree pythons. Shipping is $40 for one or many. I'm located in the Phoenix area if you're local.

Most snakes below are either proven breeders or should be ready for next season. All snakes are healthy to the best of my knowledge.

I also have many 2013s, yearlings and more, see my site for current availability, www.arizonareptile.com .

Thanks for looking!



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