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4H reptile project (help please)

Lunar Gecko

New member
Hello- My son is joining the local reptile 4H group, he is 9. He has lots of experience with reptiles because he has been brought up with lots of them around. We are considering a corn snake for his 4H project. We already have 2 as well as 8 other snakes and tons of geckos here but I want to help him to pick something he wants to do that will be all his. He likes the idea of doing a corn but this morning while I walked him to school, he said, 'I think it would be smart if we got something that can breed with something you already have so we dont have to get it a wife or a husband, mom.' I love my smart boy! :D

Anyway, we already have 2 corns. A male Blizzard (no known hets) and a female Ultramel Charcoal Het 66% anery %50 motley. So the question is - If we don't want a bunch of normals what should he get?

Thanks for any help.
If you got a male ultramel charcoal, you'd end up with blizzards, ultramel charcoals, and ultra charcoals.

A female charcoal het amel would give you more charcoals and blizzards.

A female fire would give you amels het charcoal, diffused.
Oh I should have said. Our corns we have are 2010's and just over a year old now. We have a bit before breeding them. Thanks for the replies so far. :)
This is true. Shoot, I never had too hibernate/burmate a snake yet. Should I do it this year then? His weight is....

and hers is ...

They are on E just now. Due to be fed tonight. :)
OK thats good. I kept hearing some people say they do and some people saying they don't. Im gonna keep looking. He was hoping to get something that looked much different than the two we have. We may just need to a bloodred project going, thats what I think he really wants... and I'll let him get two snakes if he decides to breed. LOL
Something that "looks different" is unfortunately going to mostly give you normals.

If he wants to work with the diffused gene, maybe have him get a hypo pied-sided blood female. That way, once he gets into the second generation, he'll get normals, charcoals, hypos, phantoms, diffused, hypo diffused, pewters, and hypo pewters with the diffused offspring will potentially express some pied-sided.
Utilizing the ultramel part of the female, you can pair her with anything het or homo amel, with or without other genes het or homo, and still get ultramels and amels in the first generation, plus all the additional genes both parents carry.
This is great when it comes to seeing what your going to get. http://www.corncalc.com/index.jsp

Just plug in the morphs and hets and it pulls up all the combos.

And here's a great site with the different morphs. http://iansvivarium.com/morphs/species/elaphe_guttata/ If you find a morph you like you can always post in the wanted section on this forum and see if anyone has an adult.

I also suggest looking for a reptile show near by so you can go different snakes in person.

You may be able to find a charcoal based morph to go with your blizzard male. You'll get charcoals with hets(and more if your female and male have compatible hidden hets). Good Luck!