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70% Humidity


New member
Okay. So... I clean out both cages, soaked all their decor and stuff let it all dry. Or so I thought... apparently some of the wooden things, weren't dry all the way. So it's spiked the humidity up to almost 70% in Kingsley's tank and its staying at about 55% in Xavier's, which is good. Cause he is blue. Is 70% humidity too high? So I be worried about scale rot? Kingsley ate today too so I don't wanna get all the stuff back out of his tank and him feel threatened and regurge. Helps please lol.
First off, take a deep breath.
Having the humidity that high isn't detrimental, so long as it is temporary - which is most definitely sounds like it is, in your case!

On rainy days the humidity will naturally spike in most areas, and there is nothing you can do about that.
The items will dry out over a few hours or even days, and the humidity level should drop.
You needn't worry about scale rot, in my opinion, unless the substrate is constantly damp - such as with cyprus mulch and that sort. But even that dries out over time.

If you have a mesh top, the humidity will drop more quickly than in tubs or PVC cages.

Ho are you measuring the humidity? Dials are not very accurate, and should only be used as a guideline. I am such a hypocrite here, because I have yet to buy any digital hygrometers...
Best of luck!
I went to Lowes and picked up 2 thermometer/hydrometer combo things. Didn't really need the thermometer so I set them in the middle of the tank to record general humidity levels. My substrate is dry. Just put it in lol. Just the wood was still a little damp I guess. And yes I have mesh tops.

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Your dials are most likely giving you false readings. If it is not digital, it is not accurate :p mesh lid and dry substrate = just fine.
They're digital though. Thats why I bought them. I didn't want stupid dials lol.

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2 of the digital ones I have now cost me 12 dollars. The dial ones cost 20 a piece. Obvious choice was obvious lol.
But thanks guys. Didn't take into fact that it is raining here as well. So that is probably the majority of it.

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