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A couple holdback 2006s (hypo lavs, ultramel)


It's feeding day, so I snapped a couple quick shots...

Here is Dreyfus, a male aztec hypo lav.

<img src=http://cccorns.com/freepics/06May/Dreyfus1.jpg border=1>

And his sister, Gift.

<img src=http://cccorns.com/freepics/06May/Gift1.jpg border=1>

Here's Condor, an ultramel het charcoal, poss het caramel motley.

<img src=http://cccorns.com/freepics/06May/Condor1.jpg border=1>

<img src=http://cccorns.com/freepics/06May/Condor2.jpg border=1>
The pattern on that hypo-lav male is fantastic, and the coloring on both is so clean and light. Gorgeous. (The ultramel's no slouch himself.)
Noice! Connie, I presume that Finley is the sire of the hypo-lavs.....but, IIRC, he sired two clutches this season. Who's the mom?


Both snakes are really nice,I see why you held them back! that lavender has the coolest pattern! :cheers:
Just point me in the direction of who I have to sleep with to get those snakes!!! :grin01: :grin01: :grin01:
Sweet hold-backs! If I can only get some hold-backs half as nice, I'll be happy!
Condor is great looking!! You can get golddusts out of him if he turns out het for caramel :cheers: I wonder what an ultramel caramel charcoal / golddust charcoal (golddust blizzard?) would look like?

Does charcoal mask caramel like anery masks caramel? Very interesting !!
Hurley said:
Here's Condor, an ultramel het charcoal, poss het caramel motley.
I don't know about the het Motley part, but he sure looks like a het Caramel. I bet an Ultramel Charcoal will be interesting!