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A Few from my collection


ACR Breeder # 787
I've been trying out new photo techniques using some white rocks. They didn't turn out like I had hoped but I plan to keep working on it until I'm satisfied.

Here are a few snakes from my collection that I took, as I prepare to finish registering with the ACR.

They are in this order:
Honey Motley
Buckskin Okeetee (from Zorro - thanks John, these guys are gorgeous)
and Sunkissed Ultramel


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Thanks for the comments! John definitely has some beautiful okeetees (and everything else! lol).
I love the Honey Motley!! Is it from Chuck and Connie? I know they produced some awesome Honey and Sk Motleys this season.
I've got one of each (I almost added DYK! lol), I picked them up from John at Daytona last year - I had to beg him for both of them!
I can't wait until they are breeding size. The one above is female (in fact, all four of the above are female).