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A few of the Kids...


That's for sale???
I hadn't taken any updated shots of my only remaining cornsnake that I produced or the new one I got for my educational talks. I also had a new chondro come in that I hadn't gotten any outdoor shots of so here they are!
First up is Zephyr. He's a wildcaught snake that a friend of mine rescued out of a person's yard a couple of years ago. He's a good example of the wild type corns that we have in the area.


Next is Tapestry. She was one I produced from two Aztecs I had.


And this is Serena. She was owned by Rico Walder, who is currently fighting brain cancer. They were selling a number of his fine animals as a fund raiser and I couldn't pass up the deal for excellent bloodlines.

The sun shows it off a lot better than in her cage. She's a softer green indoors and you can barely make out her pattern. She's a shy, sweet girl though.
Yes, I had to prod her a bit to get her head out from under her coils....she was hoping I would just go away.....
Get one! They are addicting.....I've had dozens over the years...I'm down to 7 now....