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a little worried


Wife Convincer
Ok, 2.5 year old corn.
She went really pale over 2 days, the whole snake. How often do they shed? I hope it's just a shed starting. I just got her and the previous owner said she just shed before I got her around 3 weeks ago I'm guessing. Does that sound right?Or are there other possible environmental concerns to look at with habitat?

Any help appreciated.
It is an unusually short amount of time, especially for one of that age. But honestly, it's really hard to say. I've heard some people who swear their snakes shed after almost every feeding, others who worry because their snake hasn't shed for 3 or 4 months. So one month give or take isn't too out of the ordinary. If you could get a few pics for others to look at though, they might be able to help more with any other environmental possibilities.
I have one that practically sheds after every meal...seriously...he sheds ALOT...my other one sheds roughly once a month (every 3-4 weeks give or take). Every snake is an individual so this may be something to consider.
They can also shed more frequently if they've had an injury. Does she have anything wrong with her?

And a picture would definitely be helpful, even if you just use your cell phone.

Caught her this morning!
How big is your viv? It seems fairly short for her length unless those aren't the ends and it goes on longer. Not that that would have anything to do with her paleness, but it looks like a 10 gallon tank. You might want to get her a 20L or even a 30L so she can stretch out. If it is longer than it looks I apologize!

Do you have any pics of her before she went pale so we can compare her coloring?
Yeah, I think that her home is definitely getting a little small. I hope to be able to invest in a bigger tank soon.

As for colors she definitely has a blue hue.

a new discovery, I started misting he viv and her color came back. We live in a really dry climate and I think she was drying out maybe. I have seen her drinking, but apparently she needs some more humidity in her home.
It means she's gone into the clear stage and should shed very very soon! :3
Low humidity doesn't do anything to color.
Do you have a petco near you? Ours is doing their $1 per gallon sale on aquariums till the 27th. Good time to snag one cheap :)
I want to build a custom enclosure.

I'll post up my plans in the DIY section, I'm still dreaming at this moment, but hope to start soon...

Glass on the front 3 sides,
Wood top and back in a nice finished maple with built in screened vents,
An ALUMINUM bottom - I think it will be good for heat transfer and spread, but also will not crack. I have read glass can crack from uneven heating.
And LED strip lighting in the perimeter of the lid on a timer

How does that sound?
Lovely - with the exception of the aluminum bottom. I'd worry about corrosion if not really well sealed (which also alters the heat conduction), not to mention the possibility of an electrical short through the bottom. Aluminum also conducts so well that you might actually have trouble keeping a hot spot going, as heat would bleed quickly through the entire bottom. Not to be a wet blanket, but I would think really carefully before using an aluminum bottom, and maybe run some tests to verify its safety.
Thanks for the feedback on the aluminium. I was thinking it would help heat the tank more efficiently. I'll borrow a chunk and do some tests first I guess. I don't think corrosion will be a major issue. It lasts fine in salt water. Maybe glass would be simpler though...
Any contact with another metal and a liquid will cause corrosion, and snake excrement's impact on aluminum I won't speculate on...:sidestep:
You could always do plexiglass instead on the bottom. A lot tougher than glass and should distribute heat fine. And you wont have to worry about any electrical issues.