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A new job!


New member
I'm so excited! I got a job at a local pet shop in my area, with a huge reptile selection!

I get to work with a bunch of snakes, every day! From corns to kings, to pythons and boas!

I can't wait to expand my love of these wonderful animals!

I worked my butt off to get this job and I am going to beast at this! Woooooo!!!
Congrats! I wish there were pet stores around here like that. All we have is Petco and Petsmart which are 35 minutes away, and a little pet shop down the street from those that only has mammals :( Lucky ducky!
Thanks a bunch guys! I've actually worked at a Petsmart before and I will never be returning to those franchises. Didn't even clean the tanks before putting new snakes in them. That bothered me the most. And they'd hire anyone who said "Yeah, I like animals I guess."

I'm very excited about this store though. They have a great selection of everything! Snakes, spiders, rodents, birds, fresh and saltwater fish, turtles, even prairie dogs! I can't wait! Thanks for all the words of encouragement guys!
What a GREAT selection to work with!
Wow them with your awesomeness!!
I know! I'm hoping since I'll get to see and work with the animals at work every day, I'll be less tempted to bring them home.

But, I know me, and I know I'm a sucker...lol
LOL, don't take home the skunks! leave more for me!!
I need to find a pet store like that in TX, just so I can hug some fun critters!