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A New Little Friend...


Start Wearing Purple
What is green, has four legs, a huge mouth, eats rodents, and can get as big as a dinner plate???
And now I have one. I have wanted one ever since I got bit by one at work last month while I was feeding her a mouse.
We haven't had any for sale for a while, and when we get them, they sell very fast. So when I saw this one, I made my move.
He/She is great. Still very young but is able to eat fuzzies. This evening it got a super-worm dinner and I snapped a couple of shots.

A couple of feeding shots:


And some nice closeups:

He's a pretty cool lookin' guy! When they are full grown are their body shapes just like that, or are they more like the obese kind of flabby type? ahem, not that that won't be adorable for you! :) Congrats!
Pumilio said:
He's a pretty cool lookin' guy! When they are full grown are their body shapes just like that, or are they more like the obese kind of flabby type? ahem, not that that won't be adorable for you! :) Congrats!
When they are adult size, they are big ol' fatties. :)

Oh... and I decided on a name... Sir Jumpy Bumpy Green Thing.
Weebonilass said:
LOL Cool name... Sir Green for short? :)
Nope, Jumpy Bumpy for short. But I wanna make people say the whole thing.
Remember those IHOP commercials a long time ago, when that Phil guy was embarrassed to say "Rooty Tooty Fresh N' Fruity?"
I want it to be like that :grin01:
wow! brilliant pet! glad you could get your hands on him/her. someone else has already mentioned this but, in the first pic the worm looks like a cigar!!

I'd love to see pictures of it eating a fuzzy (hint hint :grin01:)

i didn't even know frogs bit people!

best of luck with Mr. Jumpy Bumpy Watcher Majigger!!
Great name! I have a pigeon named Dilly Willy Billy Bird. (I just call him Dill, though. His actual name is Dillbird.)

Just got back from the snake store, and the counter where you pay had about six new little critter keepers with pixies and a bunch of other, similar frogs. They're so cute!
