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A newbie....


New member
hi all,

i'm getting my first snake... i'm getting a snow corn baby... about 1 ft in length.... i've done lot's of research on the net and read books.... well.. a few question to ask...

i putting it in a plastic tank 1.5ft by 1ft by 1ft with an escape proof lid temporarily.... my fren who had 2 corn snake live happily in singapore without the need of temperature gradient.... cos singapore's temp range from 26 - 31 degree celsius.... so i didn't install any heat source.... after about 1 month later i'm getting a 3ft glass tank... then i transfer it in....

izzit ok to feed it with frogs for this month first... then after i transfer it to the bigger tank... i intend to use the plastic tank to breed white mice....

by the way... it's illegal to rear any exotic pets in Singapore... so it's hard to find frozen mice....

any other tips for me....



If you are feeding it frogs you will most likely have to take this snake to the vet to get it treated for worms/ internal parasites. Internal parasites left untreated will can cause no growth, weight loss, and in many untreated cases, death.

Its a must do unfortunatly, but I do understand your plight about not having feeders.

If possible you can try feeding it another rodent that is common there or easier to obtain than mice? Hamster, rats, gerbils, anything? I am honestly not even sure it will eat frogs. It may though, but like I said you will need to get this snake treated for parasites somewhat often and a couple times after you are done feeding it frogs.

Oh thanx for informing me about this...

thankfully i haven't done anything...

Well... if it's so... i'll get another tank for breeding of white mice....

Since it's illegal to rear snakes in singapore... even a harmless tree frog is not allowed!!!! there is no vet around to treat exotic pets.... tat's why i haf to ensure tat my snake does not fall sick....

well i keep trying to find... perhaps i'll be able to find private vets....

thanx... any other food u can suggest???
I think you really need to think hard about not getting a snake at all.

1) You will have no regular food supply apart from what you breed yourself.
2) You will have no Vet or even other breeders to fall back on if (when?) you animal gets sick.
3) Its illegal. I dont know the penalty for keeping illegal animals in Singapore but I do know that Singapore's punishments are generally pretty heavy.
4) You may well have trouble getting friends to look after it if you have a holliday as they may not be willing to break the law.

Just move or get a legal pet. Why risk the health of the animal?

Mind you it sucks that you cant keep them in the first place......

my fren just brought his iguana to a local vet... so i think it'll be ok to bring it to the vet if my snake ever get sick... have contacted the vet..says no problem in treating it.... they care for animals....

Food wise.. i got to breed my own white mice.....

well if i ever haf to go overseas... i haf my family to take care.. anyway i won't go off for a long time..... since cornsnakes r hardy.... and feed only once a week n can survive without food for at least 2 weeks....

how do u guys prekill the mice.... apart from what i got from the net....
Many ways to pre-kill. Glad you have worked things out.

You can take a live mouse and place him on a table holding its tail. Using a hard slightly heavy object, you can whack them on the start of the neck/back of the head. With pratice, this can be instantaneous and bloodless eventually, but at first it can be tricky. It gets very easy though the more times you have done it.

Thats how we do it.

Some people place them in bags like a pillowcase/shopping bag and whack the entire bag against a wall or hard surface. This also works and eventually will get easier but this can be a fair bit messy sometimes.

There are lots of other ways as well, CO2, cervical dislocation, etc.
