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A Pair of Miami "Phase"


Senile Member
While neither snake is EXACTLY, what I would call an outstanding
example, I thought I would share them with you just the same.
So without further to do ;
The Female:

With flash:

A bit of a picky eater, she likes to skip a meal, every so often. She was quite outstanding, as a baby, but has become a bit more tan than I had hoped.

The male:

Quite a hardy eater, supposedly originally from Carol H. A bit more on the pink side, than the silver.
Thanks, everyone.
I would agree , that the female has a high saddle count,
that is part of what strikes me as odd about her.
She also has a very long tail.
To be honest, I was not sure she was a she, until I put her with the male.
I had thought she might also be a male.
But she was receptive, of him within seconds. I had to pull him away quickly,
as she is still a bit too small in my opinion to breed.
So, yes I am planning to try to breed them. But it will not be until next year.
The female is still a little too small, for this season.
I have a male that looks just like your female that I was told was a normal. I've thought it was a miami since day one and I think your pics just verified my concern. good lookin snakes.