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A Ridiculously stupid question....


Divalicious Member
Ok, so this is probably a ridiculous question. But I got my first corn last year (a lovely amel named Mayor Wilkins), I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my second (a hypo blood red from Rich Z)...

In the year that I have had the Mayor, he's never snapped at me, or anyone. and I've never had the need to force his mouth open because he's always been a great eater (and I'd rather not do this if I don't have to).

And a friend of mine asked me the other day if he had teeth... and I realized... I DON'T KNOW! :confused: I skimmed through my copy of the cornsnake manual, which didn't seem to answer the question. I looked through A Color Guide to Cornsnakes, which was even less help. And then on to a more general book called an Owner's Guide to the Snake... and I was very sad to say none of these books say a darn thing about Corn snakes having or not having teeth.

Someone who's had a close-up view of the inside of their corn's mouth, please let me know.... do they have teeth? maybe post a picture if you can find one....

Thanks for humoring me.
Yes they do have teeth but they are very fine and don't do much damage if you were to be bitten. They point back down towards the snakes throat so as to prevent prey from wriggling out of the mouth. I can only see these teeth in my adult corn, the younger ones teeth seem to be so fine that I can't actually see them. maybe if I really tried I could but I don't want to force their mouths open just to sate my curiousity ;)

If you were ever to be bitten by your corn, never jerk your hand away (I know, easier said than done) because this could damage the teeth or even pull them out.
uh, yea

Yea, they got teeth alright, there very small though, Pyro bit me about a week ago cuz i had just handled a mouse and a tooth got stuck in my hand, it was very small, and if u dont look closley you might mistake it as a white hair
