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New member
I can't take this anymore!!! Day 62!!!! :crazy02: :crazy02:

Sorry, please resume regularly scheduled programming!
Hee hee. I feel your pain. I'm on day 60. Even my wife, who has no interest in the snakes, is getting antsy. The eggs are in the bathroom in a container on the floor (coolest spot in the house), and when she went in there last night I heard her say, (disappointed)"No baby snakes yet . . . (frustrated) Why won't they come OUT?"

Can't be much longer. I try to forget about it if I can. I'm not that successful . . .
Day 67 and I want to scream at em..One thing I have learned, snake breeding takes a great deal of patience. I don't have much of that.
Day 60 - Nothing
Day 65 - Nothing
Eggs starting to pucker - Nope Nothing
Nothing ^%#%^@#%$!!
Mine hatched one day 65 with no dents! I was getting very antsy, and they surprised me, but I was happy. I have another clutch now, and were on day 66 for that clutch! And no denting yet either..Hang in there!