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Abbotts Okeetee


New member
I want to show you new pictures of Leo



her home


hope you like it :)
thank you.
It is only her terrarium for the first months for quarantine, but I think this should look nice too. Later she comes in one terrarium with my crimson and my hypobloodred, if the size difference is not to big.
thank you.
It is only her terrarium for the first months for quarantine, but I think this should look nice too. Later she comes in one terrarium with my crimson and my hypobloodred, if the size difference is not to big.

Wait, are you talking about putting all the snakes in one vivarium? That's never suggested other than during times of breeding.

Beautiful snake though!
Pretty little snake!

Yes, housing them all together is not recommended because some snakes become stressed and don't eat well in those situations, and because they will surely breed earlier than is good for them.
Ashley Shadows: There are a lot of diffrences between keeping a cornsnake in Germany and keeping a cornsnake in America. We have other priorities.

The most German snake owner keep small groups together in one viv. I mean about 2-3 Cornsnakes. But we mind that they have all the same sex, because we don´t want the females to get weak from laying to much eggs and the mating. The practical expierience showed that females live together without problems. Only male groups could be tricky because of fights between them. My males haven´t brawled since they live together in one viv.

Normally our tanks are much bigger than the common 20 gallons in america (For example my tank for two female has about 230 gallons ) so they have more space to avoid each other.
Schwabbelaffe wrote all about ceeping them together. they are all females and in same age. That is no problem in a big terrarium.

@ mark vervest
the little girl is from you. We wrote per email and a friend collected it for me in hamm. you remember?

@ Dragi

she is 5 months old
Ashley Shadows: There are a lot of diffrences between keeping a cornsnake in Germany and keeping a cornsnake in America. We have other priorities.

The most German snake owner keep small groups together in one viv. I mean about 2-3 Cornsnakes. But we mind that they have all the same sex, because we don´t want the females to get weak from laying to much eggs and the mating. The practical expierience showed that females live together without problems. Only male groups could be tricky because of fights between them. My males haven´t brawled since they live together in one viv.

Normally our tanks are much bigger than the common 20 gallons in america (For example my tank for two female has about 230 gallons ) so they have more space to avoid each other.
We get a lot of people here who haven't considered or taken steps to minimize the potential problems of co-habitating, so we'll always bring them up when someone mentions it, just in case they fall into that category.