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about feeding in a different container


New member
how long should i leave my snake in there after eating? should i wait til it digests its food completely before handling it to put it back in its viv? if so then will i need to properly heat/"decorate" the feeding tank.?

hmm. so many questions. thanks
As soon as it has consumed the prey, I would think you would move him back. Wait till it appears that he is done moving it down his throat. Then wait the 48 hour lump check before really handeling the snake. Mine is still small and I feed her in the small tupperware she came it. I just put the entire tupperware back in the tank without the top and let her get out on her own.
Yup, as soon as the food item (pinkie, fuzzie, mouse) is swallowed & in his stomach you can place him back in his enclosure. Then let him digest the meal in his enclosure for 3 days before handling.
I was told by the breeder that I should feed the snake, wait for it to swallow completely, and yawn a couple of times to realign the jaws, then wait for the snake to start moving around. Then gently scoop them up and put them back in their viv.
The way you put them back in the viv however is all up to the snake. Currently I have 3, 1 which is fine with me picking her up and placing her back in her viv by hand, 1 that treats me like dessert so he gets gently "dumped" back into his viv, the 3rd the container whom I nicknamed "her majesty" I put her container in her viv and she comes out on her own time.
SilentLore said:
Currently I have 3, 1 which is fine with me picking her up and placing her back in her viv by hand, 1 that treats me like dessert so he gets gently "dumped" back into his viv...
I used to do this with my skittish and/or tempermental ones - then I realized that I've "conditioned" them to getting away with it.

I started using gloves when placing 'em back in their vivs....one of the snakes - just one - tried tagging my hand and got a mouthful of leather. She hasn't tagged since, and I no longer use the gloves. We've achieved detente. :)

Besides, it's just a short handling to move them from the feeding tub back to their "homes".

But yeah, for the record, I wait until the meal is in the midsection and they're moving again.

Mine eats anything that comes near his feeding container, whether he's just eaten or not. I used to dump him in his cage, but now I GENTLY lift him up while the tail of the mouse is hanging out of his mouth and set him in his viv. I wouldn't try this with just any snake. He's completely unaffraid of people and stands no chance of regurging.
jazzgeek said:
I started using gloves when placing 'em back in their vivs....one of the snakes - just one - tried tagging my hand and got a mouthful of leather. She hasn't tagged since, and I no longer use the gloves. We've achieved detente.
This is a great idea. My corn tries to tag me when I put her back too. In fact I just feed her and she tried to tag me. I will try the glove next time.
With Freya, I wait until the food cannot go any further down and then pick her up and put her back in her viv but nowadays, I handle her and put her back with the food on the top of the Tupperware and she eats it when I am gone ;)

With Elrond, I also feed him in the viv but he has live which makes it easier. I dangle to mouse by the tail and he grabs it.

I do not handle either of then for 48hrs after feeding.
jazzgeek said:
I used to do this with my skittish and/or tempermental ones - then I realized that I've "conditioned" them to getting away with it.

I started using gloves when placing 'em back in their vivs....one of the snakes - just one - tried tagging my hand and got a mouthful of leather. She hasn't tagged since, and I no longer use the gloves. We've achieved detente. :)

Besides, it's just a short handling to move them from the feeding tub back to their "homes".

But yeah, for the record, I wait until the meal is in the midsection and they're moving again.


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jazzgeek again.

Thanks Jazz. I will wear some leather gloves then and just put them back in to condition them into it. That would be SO much easier, especially when I have 6 more lil' snakes on the way, I GOTTA get a system down. :cheers: