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? about virginia laws and corns as pets.

Jeff Linkchorst

Snake Rambler
Is there anyone from Virginia here? the wife and i were thinking about moving there. I was wondering about laws with corns as pets. Like do you need a permit to keep them or not.
virginia laws....

i live in VA and i just got my first corn last week.

i'm not positive about the laws in VA, but the pet stores all sell them so i can't imagine it would be illegal to keep them. i could be wrong, but that is how i based my decision.
I live on the VA/NC border and go to reptile shows in Richmond quite a bit. I can't say for sure what the laws are, but I wouldn't imagine if they were illegal that they would have these shows, esp. with the venomous snakes.

hello, i dont live in VA, but i do know the laws. you are aloud to have up to 5 live snakes of any single native species for personal use,(a corn snake is a native species in virginia) but no endangered or threateded species may be possessed. a permit issued by DGIF is required to hold, propagate, and sell native snake species for commercial purposes. otherwise, possession limits and restrictions may vary depending on the county and city you live in.............. i got this info from a free book that the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries offers. you can get the book online at www.dgif.state.va.us , the book is called (A Guide To The Snakes Of Virginia) i recommend getting it, its a excellent book that tells you all your native species of snakes and where there located in virginia and in-detail discriptions and info about them. it also includes all color photos of the snakes.
:flames: :twoguns: :crazy02:

up here in Southern Ontario the by-laws are odd.

all pets any pets are not allowed because it is based on a complaint basis.

for example: lets say i have a dog, 2 cats, and 3 snakes. I don't own a dog but I do own the latter but for this example if my dog bites someone and they complain about him to the authorities . if the authorities come into my house and notice i own 3 snakes a dog and 2 cats they may only take my dog . if i walk one of my snakes down the street and there is a complaint because that person is scared of snakes the authorities may only take the snake in question, none other .

so theoretically no one may own a pet up here, but it is allowed weird eh?

hahaha!! that is funny and weird lol :flames: ............... and you are very welcome, im glad i could provide you the info !!!!!!1 :bounce: