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achh apartments!!!!


achhh i hate living in apartments well here is the story so my little brother broke the refrigerator and now the manager had to come in and fix but for some reason he just had to go into my room and he saw my snakes and he streight out said "get rid of them" so now i have to get rid of them i wish there was something i could do now i have to sell them damn!!!i hate apartments
I'm not sure about the laws there, but here in IL I've had a landlord upset over a pet. As long as the lease states caged pets are ok(or if it states that pets larger than a cat are prohibited, etc), then he can't say anything. That's why I can keep mine :grin01:
mommyof2 said:
I'm not sure about the laws there, but here in IL I've had a landlord upset over a pet. As long as the lease states caged pets are ok(or if it states that pets larger than a cat are prohibited, etc), then he can't say anything. That's why I can keep mine :grin01:
im in san diego california ill check in to the law but on the lease it say no pets it says nothing about caged pets :shrugs:
That sucks, you could always hide them. But then you run the risk of getting thrown out. But a landlord can't just walk into your apartment and search through all of your stuff so it might be ok.

I think the general rule is 24 hrs notice before entering unless by an emergency(or you call them to fix something, in which case, I believe you can specify which rooms they enter as long as they don't NEED access to that room). I've had a few horrible landlords, so I learned my state laws. You may want to check with yours, though. ;)
Almost forgot. If you go the route of hiding them...make absolutely SURE there is nothing insinuating a snake lives there(bedding, dead mice, etc) visible. And don't throw away empty bedding bags/boxes, or used bedding at your house. Landlords can(and will if they think something's up) look through the trash. This is legal(although gross).
if it comes to hiding them, you can always go with some sterilite sweater boxes like the ones you use on a snake rack. make a small snake rack but keep the lids for the boxes that way all you have to do is get rid of the tanks. when the landlord comes to check you can slide the sterilites under your bed, just make sure the lid is on tight so they dont escape. use a couple of straps around them, make sure you have some holes drilled through. once the snakes are under the bed the snake rack just looks like a home made shelf!! most people wouldnt think to look in a sweater box, if he sees the tanks gone he might just leave you alone. hope this helps, i would hate to hear you lost your snakes.
Ok, I'm a property manager in Ca..
As far as legality, they have covered themselves if your lease states no pets.
As far as enforcing it though, that's really alot trickier.
Most likely they are going to have to go by your word that you've gotten rid of them or not.
If they want to check the inside of the apartment they have to give you plenty of advance notice that you could move them out for a few hours.

I'm not suggesting dishonesty, but if you're ok with it, you can get away with it.

If you want to move a few miles north (Ventura county) I can rent you a place were you can keep reptiles..