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Achoo! Anyone use Sani-Chips?

Does anybody use Sani-chips for their corns? I have 2 right now who are sneezing and crackling. No RI. There's no mucus, no bubbles, no mouth holding open or any other signs of RI. Just little "achoos!" every now and again if you listen closely.

I assume it's this Kaytee aspen stuff I grabbed last time. Never had a problem with aspen chips before but this stuff seems dusty. I finally have a lead on where to get Sani-Chips, but it is NOT cheap!

Just wondering if that might be a better alternative? Worth it?
I'm new to owning snakes and I use Zoo Med Aspen Snake Bedding. So far I have not had any issues with it.
It is a little expensive but if you have only 2 corns and just spot clean the enclosures every couple of days and when they poop with a complete cleaning once every 3-4 weeks it shouldn't be bad. I hope you find something that works for both you and your snakes. You also might want to use newspaper.
I have about 65...lol.

Definitely need a particulate substrate; newspaper and paper towel make about 10x as much work when ya have this many corns to clean. Their eliminations are not exactly neat and tidy :p

I might just bite the bullet and try the Sani-Chips.
Sorry. I misread the number that you have. Damn that's a lot of snakes. I hope you find something that works for you.
I am using the Kaytee aspen as well, and Stig seems to be sneezing a little bit more than usual. He normally sneezes if my hair is wet, like he inhales it or something. However, since I switched to this bedding, he sneezes a bit more often. Must be the dust.
I use aspen and sani chips! And I, personally, think the sani chips is very absorbable and takes away more smell than the aspen. It's really easy to clean up. But I warn you, my corns that have sani chips, they get it in the water bowl more than the aspen for some reason. It isn't really dusty either so I like it. I also tried care fresh and I like that as well!
We use paper towel with about 95% of our 250+ colubrids. I find it way easier to keep sanitary, I use aspen shavings for the really messy ones and the boas, paper towel just doesn't suffice for the boas!

Never used the Sani-Chips though but never had a problem with the aspen shavings at all.
I was using paper towel for awhile but I don't like it. Then again, I always find SOME problem with the substrate I'm using and end up switching it up, so I'm sure I'll be back on paper towel in the rotation sometime :p

I don't have trouble with bowl spills/them getting substrate in the bowl because I use ceramic crocks and then deli cups inside, so they can't tip them or get shavings in them.

Unless they have a particularly wild...play date...I suppose. It's only happened once or twice since I changed them over to deli cups.
I am using the Kaytee aspen as well, and Stig seems to be sneezing a little bit more than usual. He normally sneezes if my hair is wet, like he inhales it or something. However, since I switched to this bedding, he sneezes a bit more often. Must be the dust.

I'm finding the dust-factor varies depending on bags. The Kaytee stuff is sometimes virtually dust-free I've noticed, but this particular bag is leaving a lot of particles. So when it cools down I'm dumping it all out (UGH waste of $25!) scrubbing the bins, and giving them new substrate.
That makes sense, perhaps some bags are crushed more during shipping/storage and those are dustier? I started giving the bag a few thumps on the ground before I refill the cage, it has helped reduce the dust and small particles quite a bit!