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Adèle - Opal Progression


Herpetologists' offspring
I think I may try to start some decent progression threads for some of my more interesting snakes. But right now I'm really just looking for an excuse to introduce one of my new snakes - 0.1 opal, Adèle. She's set to hopefully be a mate for my lavender het. blood, Jasper, although I'm not entirely sure he's doing all that well. Only time will tell.

But without further adieu, I give you my wonderful new '09 opal from VMS, the ever elegant Adèle.



I've wanted an opal for a while and I'm extremely pleased with her. I was surprised that her temperament was almost exactly like Jasper's - they're a perfect match!

Unfortunately those are the only two pictures I have at the moment, but since they were taken she's shed for me and has eaten a few times. I'll likely update after her next shed and weigh in.

Thanks for looking!
She is SO beautiful!! I'd eyed your girl on VMS for a while but ended up with my lav instead :)

I've really been slacking on this whole picture taking thing, but I finally got around to catching up today! I didn't take pictures of everyone, but I did get a few that I liked. So anyway, here's Adèle, alive and well. :)



Last time I weighed her she was nearly 60 g, and she's still eating like a champ. The pale orange in between her blotches is coming in nicely; she's just coloring up so well!

Hope you liked the pictures!
Great shots! I love the way Opals color up and kind of almost end up with an opposite pattern to what they started out with.

Thanks for the update, she's BEAUTIFUL! Elegant is a very fitting adjective. :cheers:
Nice snake! I love VMS. It's great to see the exact animal I'll be buying, and choosing the best of the clutch.