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Adult female honey het motley. Added male honey motley pics


New member
I purchased a pair of snakes from Troy and Jarrett early last summer. This is the female, and the male is a honey motley. Both are hatched 2011. Usually, I love motleys, but in this case, the female has so much more color and contrast, I just had to post some pics of her. After she sheds again, I will get some pics of the pair outside. Thanks for looking.

Now the male is pictured on page 2.


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I love my amber corn, but I wish I would have found out about the honey morph first ... I would have saved for one. Yours is really beautiful!
Really beautiful. I love the motley gene, but with honeys, I prefer non-motley so that black stands out.
Thanks, everybody, for your comments. I am looking forward to working with some more of these. Maybe working towards some increased black borders. The problem is to many potential projects plus to little time and a snake room that is much to small!
Awesome looking snake. Very bright. I wanna see the male!

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Jarrett, they have been locked up a few times, and the female is currently blue and fat, though I can't palpate distinct eggs yet, I suspect she is gravid. I will let you know when I get some eggs, I sure expect to. Thanks again, I think they are outstanding animals.
Here is some pictures of the male, as requested by Tye.
I was working against the sun, so exposure times are different, but you can get an idea of his color and pattern, pattern is very nice classic motley, which I prefer over the more stiped looking motleys.
Thanks everyone for the comments.


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