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Adult size already??


heart in the right place
I went back to my house to check up on my snakes (uni student so my parents have been feeding them for me), and measured & weighed all my corns ... and I'm gobsmacked! They're all around 3ft long, and all are over 300g ... but they were all born July 2010! I will admit they're all pretty chunky in the rear end - it's difficult trying to tell my parents what to feed them when I can only see the snakes every two weeks. One of my males, Indie, is a chunky 356g and definitely needs more exercise. Though none of them are so bad that they've developed fatty hips, just a lower belly bulge and round bellies towards their vents.
But has anyone else had such drastic growth in their cornsnakes? I can't believe all four of them are already 3ft and over 300g and they aren't even 2 years old!
Do you know what your parents are feeding them and how often?

Some Corns do just naturally grow fast, but bulging in their lower halves does make it sound like they need to go on a diet.

You could bring your parents round to your way of thinking by pointing out that obesity will give them health problems (i.e. costly vet bills) and will shorten their lives - just as it does for humans.
Do you know what your parents are feeding them and how often?

Some Corns do just naturally grow fast, but bulging in their lower halves does make it sound like they need to go on a diet.

You could bring your parents round to your way of thinking by pointing out that obesity will give them health problems (i.e. costly vet bills) and will shorten their lives - just as it does for humans.

I know what my parents feed them, I see the snakes every 2 weeks and they tell me what they feed them. They were being fed 1 medium/large mouse every 2 weeks and still have gained weight. So I've told my parents to drop to 1 small mouse every 2 weeks. I suspect they've put on weight as they don't get handled as often as my family aren't comfortable getting them out when I'm not there.

What I was hoping to find out was if anyone else had corns that had grown as quickly, as mine had already grown to nearly 3ft before I had left for uni.
My Okeetee which hatched in June 2010 currently weighs in at 378 grams.

Here's what she has eaten since birth:
Pinky 65
Peach Fuzzy 15
Fuzzy 52
Small 16
Medium 14
They were being fed 1 medium/large mouse every 2 weeks and still have gained weight. So I've told my parents to drop to 1 small mouse every 2 weeks.
That's about the feeding regime I'd expect for adult Corns - as you say, just reached a lot earlier than you'd expect. They could just be from fast-growing stock, but with excess pounds now appearing, I think dropping back to small mice sounds like a good call.

I suspect they've put on weight as they don't get handled as often as my family aren't comfortable getting them out when I'm not there.
Many of mine are on the one adult mouse a fortnight regime and I don't handle them apart from taking them out to feed them and they're not overweight. Don't beat yourself up - I doubt a lack of handling has caused the issue.

However, increased handling can help them convert the potential flab to good toned muscle, which is what you're looking for now. Unfortunately it can take a while to get them back in shape. Some folks here exercise them by letting them climb up and down stairs (under close supervision!).
I have an okeetee born August 2010. I dont know her weight but she is at 3 feet and eating a hopper every five days. she gets an hour of excersise every couple of days.
My summer 2010 kids were at the 200 gram mark last time I weighed them, and they are eating weaned mice once a week. Some grow faster! But I agree, if they have hips showing it's diet time!
My summer 2010 kids were at the 200 gram mark last time I weighed them, and they are eating weaned mice once a week. Some grow faster! But I agree, if they have hips showing it's diet time!

Luckily mine don't have hips but a belly bulge towards the vent. Still, they're going on a slight diet anyway :)
My 2010 girl was hatched around Feb/March 2010 and today she weighed in at 417 grams and her last length was 45 inches (3.75 feet) [this length was measured back in December though, so she is most likely longer now]. She never misses a meal but I also get her out for exercise about 3-4 times a week for a few hours each time and she is all muscle.