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Adults for Sale


Striped Topaz SK SG Free
1.0 Blue Motley Tessera het Striped $600
1.0 Lava Tessera het Sunkissed ph Butter $250
1.0 Tessera Bloodred het PS ph Sunkissed Anery $200
2.0 Sunkissed Lava #200
2.0 RedCoat Bloodred PS ph Lava $200
1.0 Landrace Okeetee het Sunkissed $150
1.0 Lava Tessera het Anery Blood ph Lav, Car, Straw 2015 $350
1.0 PS/Blood Tessera het Lava ph Snow 2015 $300
1.0 Tessera het Striped Amel Lava 2012 $400
1.0 Anery Tessera het Lava ph Striped or Motley2016 $250


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Last edited:
Joe, on your last post you had a pair of Stepped sunkissed lava het snow that I told you I wanted but you never got back to me on. Are they still available? I don't see them on your list here.
Male Lava Tessera het Sunkissed Butter

1.0 Lava Tessera het Sunkissed Butter $250

1.0 Blood/PS Tess ph Sunkissed Anery $200


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Adult Sunkissed Lavas ph Caramel

1.0 Sunkissed Lava ph Caramel 2015 $200
1.0 Sunkissed Lava ph Cafamel 2014 $200


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  • SkVm14.JPG
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RedCoat Pied-Sided ph Lava

1.0 RedCoat PS ph Lava 12-85-1 $200 each
1.0 RedCoat PS Ph Lava 12-85-2 $200 each


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Adult Tessera

1.0 Anery Tessera het Lava ph Striped $250
1.0 Lava Tessera het Amel Bloodred $350


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  • VTshBhAmph.JPG
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