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Aelfric is MIA...


norbert and aelfric
Oi!!! I read post after post after post about escaped snakies and I always was like HAHAAH...schadenfreude! Noooow...Aelfric is gone!! It's okay...I don't need advice on how to get him back, I got hides out and mice out and water and plastic bags and heat lamps and everything that I can possibly do to find him is being done, it's really quite upsetting :( Luckily, I live in a studio apartment, there's only so many places he could be hiding.
Eh...I'm not sure...

there will be a happy ending to this fairy tale, folks...I think I know the ending. I have a feeling that Aelfric died after finding his way into the garbage. Last night, I was cleaning my apartment and I went to empty the garbage and I smelled something REALLY foul!!! I'm a vegetarian so the chances of something smelling that bad (carcus bad) are unlikely and I am usually a pretty tidy person. I smelt it and was gonna investigate, but determined that it was in fact coming from the garbage and not elsewhere in the kitchen so I removed the bag and put it outside. Now...why would he die in the garbage? Suffocation, or perhaps there was a toxic chemical that I disposed or...something. I had several little baggies of trash on my floor when I got home on Friday night prior to finding him missing. I tied them up and put them in the large can, then the following morning realized my hatchling was gone. I continued searching for my snake as I continued cleaning, but NO sign ANYWHERE. I looked in drawers, cabinets, the sofa, the wall, behind the fridge, under the rug... :( It's ashame, but it clearly happens pretty often and I learned a lesson. Lock it in or lose it!! I still have my yearling, Norbert. Next fall I'll try again and pick up another creamsicle in Philly.
I wouldn't give up all hope quite yet...
You never know where he could be hiding (and rotten vegetables are as foul as carcass any day!! ;) )...

Sorry to hear he got out...I lost two this summer...and found them both...as long as three weeks later...still just hanging out in my basement walls...
k...i'll keep an...

eye out then. i'm gonna tape a box up to the hole in the wall and put a little pinkie in it and see if it's gone in the morning. he might have gotten in there somehow.

i love the quote at the bottom of your post. PSYCHO is one of my favorite movies of all time.
norbert03 said:
I smelt it and was gonna investigate, but determined that it was in fact coming from the garbage and not elsewhere in the kitchen so I removed the bag and put it outside.

OK, maybe it's just me but wouldn't you look thru the trash to see if indeed he was possibly dead in there? I know it's gross, but I think I would want to find out.
howiet4702 said:
OK, maybe it's just me but wouldn't you look thru the trash to see if indeed he was possibly dead in there? I know it's gross, but I think I would want to find out.

It's not just you howie, I would have done that myself. It will be nasty, but in the end you will at least know one way or the other. How many days was your trash in there? I would think it would take a few days to make that kind of stench. This way if you find that it's him, you wont continue to look, and if it's not him, you can still be on the lookout.
if he was in there...

he was dead. now i'm gonna start questioning my action and think "hmmm...what if the smell was just last week's tofu surprise and not the snake, but maybe the snake was actually in the bag, but still alive..." oi!!! if i threw out a live snake i'd feel really guilty, but...hopefully that isn't the case. maybe he'll just slither across my chest when i'm sleeping tonight and we'll be reunited at last.
norbert03 said:
he was dead. now i'm gonna start questioning my action and think "hmmm...what if the smell was just last week's tofu surprise and not the snake, but maybe the snake was actually in the bag, but still alive..." oi!!! if i threw out a live snake i'd feel really guilty, but...hopefully that isn't the case. maybe he'll just slither across my chest when i'm sleeping tonight and we'll be reunited at last.

No luck yet finding him?????
no...but he's in there...

somewhere. i hear him now and then, but i just can't get him.

breathe, feel, love, give, free, know in your soul like your blood knows the way from your heart to your brain know that you're whole... -hedwig
A little ammusing story for you...

I was moving into a new apartment and I had my little snakes tightly secured in my laundry socks 8-P and I placed them in an enitrely empty room. Well, one of the buggers was determined to get out, and she did. Me and bro spent two hours checking every singly corner of the room.

At first I feared she'd crawled into a tiny tiny hole near the heating register, and we ripped apart the whole baseboard heating system in the room, no snake. After two hours of searching a small apartment bedroom we took a quick break and layed on our back in the room...

and just as we layed back, staring at the ceiling... We found the little bugger... and the ceiling. She had, somehow, climbed up the wall, and was cleverly perched betweek the roof and the closet door track. The doors weren't even in, so how the hell she made it up the wall is a freaking mystery.

Even in an empty room, she had managed to find a superb hiding place!

And she didn't want to come down. The roof is stucco so I didn't want to pull her out, for fear of hurting her on the roof. So I had my brother stand underneath her with his hands out and I rudley pushed her face back until she fell down, right into his waiting hands.

I will never again underestimate the cunning hiding places of a snake. Don't give up hope, fellow herper, chances are, you're little buddy is staring at you right now. 8-P

Good luck!