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African soft furred rats


New member
So I went to a reptile show today and picked up some African soft furred rats. Does anyone else use these? IF so are they good staple food? I heard they are great for ball pythons. How big are there adult size & there liters?
I use them for my ball python, Nala--they got her off her month-long hunger strike. I use them for her only because I've found them to be pretty pricey and hard to come by. She's on the larges right now--the large ones are about the size of a small or a smallish medium regular rat. I think the pinky ASF's are about the same size as a pinky mouse.
I love asf's! They don't smell like mice, they have larger litters, they do good in large groups, and my cornsnakes and ball pythons love them.
Adult size is about 2x the adult mouse. Pinkies are close to the same at birth. ASF pinks have fuzz right away.
Litter sizes vary I usually get 10+ per litter.
Some people recommend feeding them just dog food, but that is too much protein for them, if their coats look greasy add some grain. I feed mine a mixture of wild bird seeds, oats and dog/cat food. Plus kitchen scraps, they love veggies and end pieces of bread.
They are also mean as hell.... lol I raised these for several years. They do have a smell, but not as strong as mice. The pinkies (one day old), we used to help start some troubled feeders. But as far as raising and feeding them off, they were good to have :)
Yeah my evil ones get to go meet my ball pythons :) Right now the ones I have don't try to rip fingers off "knock on wood" lol! They also live longer then mice, I had some for 3 years when I had a couple as pets. Now once they stop breeding they become food.