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Age and breed unknown?!


New member
This is my snake pretzel, not sure what kind she is, she seems just like a... regular corn snake!
I've had her since November and she has been fantastic! I handle her quite regularly, and she is just so sweet, I'm so happy to have found her.
I'm not completely sure how old she is, but she's about 36 inches, so I'm guessing around a year, any inquiries?
(picture is from a while ago, but shows her beautiful coloring)
Jazzy picture! Beautiful snake! Looks like a little like a pretzel. Oh, I get it now. "pretzel.snake."

Welcome there ps! Sorry I can't be of much assistance with the "type" of cornsnake it is, if that's your question, but I am more than certain there will be plenty of folks who will have an idea. It's a tad early right now but check back soon!
Pretzel is a VERY beautiful normal (wild type, classic). Her species is cornsnake, of course. Cornsnakes don't have breeds; they have color and pattern morphs. Pretzel could have hidden genes for some other pattern or color, (hets, heterozygous genes) but the only genes you can see is wild type color with a saddle (wild type also) pattern.

She looks about a year old, maybe. She's probably a 2015, not a 2014.
Pretzel is a VERY beautiful normal (wild type, classic). Her species is cornsnake, of course. Cornsnakes don't have breeds; they have color and pattern morphs. Pretzel could have hidden genes for some other pattern or color, (hets, heterozygous genes) but the only genes you can see is wild type color with a saddle (wild type also) pattern.

She looks about a year old, maybe. She's probably a 2015, not a 2014.

Told ya pretzel.snake! I just KNEW someone would be along shortly but you kinda lucked out and got just about the best there IS!

(Thanx Nanci, for the wonderful correction and description!) :p
What a lovely picture of Pretzel! It looks like she is crawling on a cloud. Beautiful snakey girl!
I think most folks would consider 36" basically adult length, so I'd assume she's probably at least two. There are some unusual snakes that grow VERY quickly (speaking of which, where has Haight been lately?), but most will not get three feet in less than two years. You should get some new photos of her to share. :) I bet she's even more lovely now.
thank you everyone for your help!!! this is a more recent picture, from April, when she was 31 inches, she's definitely fairly young, as when I got her in November, she was a juvenile, and she has grown a lot since then!
I was just trying to see if there is any way you can narrow down the age, other than just the year
Yes, Pretzel looks older, but there is no way to narrow down the age. It's just not possible.

I'd suggest that you give it your best guess, give her a birthday and be done with it.

I had no idea on my rescue snake, Mandy. The best the rescue could tell me was 12 to 13 ish. So I took my best guess and gave her a birthday of 6/14/2003. It's close enough for the vet and any healthy snake preventive care, so that's what really matters.

Pretzel sure is pretty. I love normals!
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DollysMom is right, you can't really even begin to guess by size. Tango just turned a year old and is nearly twice the size of one of my females who is 9 months older than him. Heck, Delta is a year older than him and she's maybe 10g heavier?
a lot of people are saying that she's more than a year and a half old, but I know for sure that she is, as when I got her, she was a juvenile, only about 40g, but now she is about 175g

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Like I said, you get to choose. So call her the age you want. I agree that it is possible that a 175 gram snake is 1.5 years old. That's well within reason.
My snake Rufus is right at a year and a half old and he is 36 inches long and weighs 270 grams. Of course no 2 snakes are the same, some can grow a bit faster and some slower.
Of course no 2 snakes are the same, some can grow a bit faster and some slower.

For sure !

It can be influenced by its keeper, environment and its own physical makeup.

We use a pair of caramel corn snakes to show how dramatic the effects can be.
The rescue male (Philip, named by the child that kept him) at 2 years old was 30g when we got him. He looked like a perfectly healthy 3-6 month old. We would compare him to Karma who at the time of Philips rescue was also 2 years old but weighed 200g. Two years later Philips stunted start is still effecting him. He now is around 100g and Karma is at 360g.